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The use of the human figure drawings in evaluating children and adolescents of special education and cultural background: An examination of the effectiveness of current diagnostic criteria with the draw-a-person test as applied to Puerto Rican children and adolescents
Autor(es)Bolotin, M.
TítuloThe use of the human figure drawings in evaluating children and adolescents of special education and cultural background: An examination of the effectiveness of current diagnostic criteria with the draw-a-person test as applied to Puerto Rican children and adolescents
Editora/UniversidadNew York University
Tipo de publicaciónTesis
Prueba(s) relacionada(s)Figura Humana
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Dra. Luisa Guillemard, Catedrática
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez | agradecimientos | colaboradores | perfil | administración