
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) and other funded opportunities


Mel Larsen, Outreach Manager from the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics will be attending UMaRch 2015 and can be contacted in advanced at malarsen@hsph.harvard.edu

ISU Math REU:  Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Iowa State University

Participants spend eight weeks working on research projects in a variety of mathematical areas such as discrete mathematics (combinatorics, graph theory, and linear algebra) and applied mathematics (numerical analysis and modeling).   Students will work in teams as part of active research groups at ISU.  At the beginning of the summer the mentors explain the necessary background to the students.  During most of the program, students conduct research, meeting daily with their faculty and graduate student mentors.  In addition to their own research, students attend weekly REU Seminars, where they hear faculty lectures on a variety of mathematical topics and on such topics as using LaTeX and attending graduate school, but the focus is on research and there is no workshop or class component to this REU.   The REU concludes with a symposium of student reports. Many projects submit papers for publication and students frequently present their REU research at conferences. Participants are provided a stipend, accommodation in University student housing, travel reimbursement and some meals, and will have the opportunity to participate in social activities for REU students, both ISU Math REU and campus-wide ISU REU activities.  This is a large diverse REU supported by NSF funding and we particularly welcome applications from members of under-represented groups.  For more information on projects and how to apply, see http://orion.math.iastate.edu/reu/.  Deadline: February 28. 2015.  Dr Leslie Hogben will be happy to discuss this opportunity with students attending UMaRch 2015, she can be contacted by email for more information at hogben@aimath.org.