What is this course about?
This course is concerned with the production of criticism using a variety of writing genres and formats developed and facilitated in digital media. The students will research, write, and produce criticism of a variety of works available in print and digital media, while learning the genres and conventions of digital genres, such as: blogging, podcasts, videos, listicles, social media performances, electronic literature, and live streaming performances.
Why take this course?
Since the rise of the Web in the 1990s, digital media have given rise to and encouraged diverse means for expression and communication that are distinct from the print-based writing and criticism you have learned in your English and Spanish classes. A course that trains you in a variety of alternative genres and formats as vehicles for serious criticism will offer them an important set of experiences and theoretical tools for the 21st century job market.
Who is teaching this and what are his qualifications?
Dr. Leonardo Flores, a professor in the English Department, has been creating websites, blogs, online videos, electronic literature, and writing critically in and about digital media since 1999. Check out his blog for more details. You can also read a feature written about him in the English Department Blog.
How can I enroll in this course?
The course has been reserved for English Department students. Contact Leonardo Flores so he can authorize your registration.