WDT Address Book Utilities
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The WDT created a set of utilities to export your contacts from your MS Windows or MacOSX computers. These utilities can export your Outlook and MacOS X AddressBook to your address book in home.uprm.edu. These utilities only export contacts from your computer to your uprm.edu account. If the contact has an email address equal to an entry in uprm.edu it will not be updated. These tools do not synchronize your contacts. In a future they may become a sync tool.


The current version is Alpha 1.0 release 2. If you have a release 1 please update to release 2. These tools where tested in WindowsXP with Outlook 2002 and in MacOSX 10.2 and 10.3.

We have renewed work on a Linux version. The Linux version will support Thunderbird and will require GTK. We will post the progress in this page. Stay tuned...


These utilities are provided as it is, without any warranties explicit or implied. The UPRM or its employees are not responsible in any way for any incidents, lost of data, malfunction, or any other problem that may occur as a result of using these utilities. By using these tools you agree to these terms and conditions.

These utilities are provided free to users with a valid account in uprm.edu. This utility will not work with other online services. The programs are an intelectual property of Jose L. Cuevas. You may distribute this application to other uprm users, include it on a CD-ROM or a website as long as it is distributed free of charge and its contents are not modified in any form.


When you open the utility you are prompted to enter your uprm.edu username and password. Enter the required information and press the button labeled "OK". The program will quit if your username or password is invalid, or if it is unable to authenticate your colegio id due to network or server problems.

Once you authenticate a window like the one displayed here will appear. Press the button labeled "Import" to import your contacts into your uprm.edu account.


Win98, Win2k, WinXP Version 600kb, ZIP file
MacOS X (10.x) Version 688kb, ZIP file

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