What kind of work would you do for the ERDC?
Well, for starters, the Core of Engineers is the nation’s premier public engineering agency where over 30,000 engineers, scientists and other professionals tackle some of the world’s greatest civil and military engineering challenges.
The ERDC is the core’s research and development arm with over 2,000 engineers, scientists, technicians, administrative personnel creating solutions for the most complex civil and military engineering problems facing the nation and our military. Most of our engineers and scientists have graduate degrees and we’ll help you get your masters degree and PhD while you’re here.
The ERDC has seven laboratories, four located in Vicksburg MS: The Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, the Environmental Laboratory, the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, and the Information Technology Laboratory. We have one laboratory in Champaign IL, the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, one in Hanover NH, Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory and one in Alexandria VA, the Topographic Engineering Center.