
Wellness Topics

Visa Information

DACA + Undocumented Students

Our goal

Dear International Education practitioners, students, scholars, and collaborators:

Our goal with the creation of this space is to feature original essays, articles, opinions, news, and information stemming from research and insights related to internationalization in its broadest meanings. We are geared towards encouraging diverse global perspectives as we foster diversity and inclusion in Higher Education. As we set off on this journey, we invite you to share our love for the International Education field and the multiple topics that stem from it.


Wellness Topics

Visa Information

DACA + Undocumented Students

"All children in the United States have a right to a free public education regardless of their race, ethnic background, religion, or sex, or whether they can speak English or are rich or poor, citizen or non-citizen. All children, including undocumented immigrants have the right to go to public school. Some families may not know this, so let all students and families know they are welcome and have rights."

Immigrant Legal Resource Center •