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Message from the Staff

In recent times we have been facing many challenges. Most recently because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but in Puerto Rico we have been facing situations of crisis and change for several years. Let us remember the hurricanes and cyclones Irma and Maria in 2017, the social uprising in the summer of 2019 and the earthquakes in 2020. All these situations impact the entire population, particularly more vulnerable sectors of society. In the university community, we can mention international students, who far from their families and homes, come to forge a bright future for themselves.

We want to tell them that we are here to guide them, accompany them, advise them and help them in all aspects of their development as students, but also personally. The UPRM has resources for counseling services and psychological help. In addition, international students have the CIU - Comunidad Universitaria Internacional - international student association, which strives to maintain links between international students, in addition to serving as a liaison with the rest of the university community.

You are not alone, there is a network of people who are here to help in any way we can, as well as channel the help you need. You can count on our commitment. In this space you will also find encouraging messages and motivational quotes.

Dr. Frances J. Santiago Torres, PDSO / ARO

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