Biomaterials and Biomacromolecules Research & Technologies Lab

Tissue engineering the new generation of bio-instructive materials

The BioMaRT laboratory is part of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez campus.  The research and the educational team’s goal is to engineer technologies by using extracellular matrix (ECM) biomacromolecules. Our approach includes isolating and using ECM-biomacromolecules while defining their properties for biomaterials design, biosensing, and their application in regenerative medicine. Our current projects focus on the biosensing of biomacromolecules as factors associated with cardiac diseases for wearable device development. Also, the development of well-defined biomaterials by using loadable ECM factors to enhance the relevancy of cell testing models and cell manufacturing yields.  

The BioMART team is composed of graduate students at UPR-Mayaguez and undergraduate students. Moreover, our research lab vision is to become an Educational Model for BioMaterials Research (EMBioMaR) in the long-term, impacting Hispanic communities as underrepresented groups in STEM (Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics).

5+ years

Engineering Tissue specific substrates and deriving naturally ocuring biomaterials.


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Our mission

Our values

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Oru work and results are supported by multiple agencies