Patricia Bradley is an expert at bridging the gap between management and science. Since 2015 she has been employed by Tetra Tech as a Senior Ecological Consultant working on research programs in the areas of tropical coral reef ecology and management, watershed ecology and management, and management of aquatic systems in the face of global climate change. Prior to her retirement from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2015, Patricia was co-lead and PI for the development of coral reef biocriteria, including the Biological Condition Gradient (BCG), development of a systems model for coral reef ecosystems (EPA’s ReefLink Database), and valuation of coral reef ecosystem services. As Principal Investigator/Director of the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (MAIA) (1996- 2006), she served as the technical team leader of a multi-disciplinary research team of systems ecologists, landscape ecologists, economists, and aquatic biologists who worked with state and local governments to develop standardized monitoring approaches for streams, estuaries, forests, and wetlands. From 1988-1996, she was Associate Director of the EPA’s Environmental Research Laboratory in Narragansett, RI, which, as the national marine water quality laboratory, was responsible for development of sediment and water quality criteria, research on fate and transport of contaminants in marine and estuarine environments and development of national scale estuarine and coastal monitoring methods.