Learn More About the Budget Office
Learn More About the Budget Office
The Budget Office provides researchers and center administrators with the necessary help to plan and manage the funding assigned for their operation. The services provided by the Budget Office include the creation of new accounts, funds distribution, budget amendments, funds transfers, and budget availability certifications among others. The Budget Office also serves as a liaison between the R&D Center and the main UPRM Budget Office in matters related to budget planning and reporting.
Upon receiving notification of grant approval, the researcher must request the Budget Office to create an account within the UPR Financial System. It’s the responsibility of the researcher to provide the necessary information to process the creation of the new account or accounts.
The Funds Transfer is the process to transfer budgets between codes in an account. The principal investigator (PI), administrator and/or authorized person (must have completed the Register of Authorized Signatures) is responsible for submitting the Funds Transfer Form to the R&D Budget Office.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
The researchers, administrators or personnel in charge will request the Budget Office revisions to increase the budget according to the requirements of the agencies.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
The Budget Office is in charge of generating balance reports of account items to keep researchers and administrators informed.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
The researchers, administrators or personnel in charge of the project will request reports related to salary expenses.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
The researchers, administrators or personnel in charge of the project will request the Budget Office to certify the enrollment with the accounts with external funds.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
Certify that the accounts are active and have available funds under code 8010.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
The researchers, administrators or personnel in charge will request to process the requisitions of daily wage students following the applicable guidelines and regulations established by the University and by the Agency that sponsors the project.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
The researchers, administrators or personnel in charge will request to process the attendance of the students to daily wages according to the requisitions submitted.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
The role of the Budget Office in the process is to simply certify the availability of funds in the project where the student will be participating, upon being authorized by the PI (Principal Investigator) of the project through the system of R-3.
Service Request
To request this service you can access our ticket platform.
Office Phone: (787) 832-4040 Ext. 5207, 5241, 5291
Email: presupuestocid@uprm.edu
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 11:45 am & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Room J-105 of the R&D Administration Building