Proposal Development
Learn More About the Proposal Development Unit
Learn More About the Proposal Development Unit
The Proposal Development Unit (PDU) function is to assist researchers in the process of identifying research opportunities, helping them to fine tune their proposals to maximize their likelihood of success, and disseminating R&D Center news. For its operation, PDU requires at least two FTE proposal development specialists in charge of seeking research opportunities and matching them to researcher’s interest, assisting researchers in the proposal writing process, developing proposal’s compliant budgets, maintaining the researcher’s database, offering workshops to researchers and staffers about the R&D Center operation, how to target funding programs, writing proposals and other similar subjects. PDU’s functions also include disseminating R&D Center News and editing and publishing the Center’s Newsletter. Due to budget limitations, the unit remained inactive during the entire fiscal year, with no personnel assigned.
The Proposal Development Unit (PDU) function is to assist researchers in the process of identifying research opportunities, helping them to fine tune their proposals to maximize their likelihood of success, and disseminating R&D Center news. For its operation, PDU requires at least two FTE proposal development specialists in charge of seeking research opportunities and matching them to researcher’s interest, assisting researchers in the proposal writing process, developing proposal’s compliant budgets, maintaining the researcher’s database, offering workshops to researchers and staffers about the R&D Center operation, how to target funding programs, writing proposals and other similar subjects. PDU’s functions also include disseminating R&D Center News and editing and publishing the Center’s Newsletter. Due to budget limitations, the unit remained inactive during the entire fiscal year, with no personnel assigned.
The Grant Writing Initiative, “GWI”, provides an intensive grant writing experience, targeted at specific sponsors, through hands on training and a writing retreat with feedback from coaches that have relevant backgrounds. The 2014/15 NIH-Focused Grant Writing Initiative, in process, will result in 8 UPRM faculty members submitting NIH grants by summer of 2015. There are plans to cover NSF and foundation grants in future initiatives.
Assist on funding searching
Office Phone: (787) 832-4040 x5202
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (Monday through Friday)
Office Location: Room 116 of the R&DC Main Building