

The DMS central Administrative offices are located at the main campus; office F-205 in the Physics, Geology and Marine Sciences Building. Other administrative offices are located in the fourth floor. Physical oceanography offices and laboratories as well as the offices of the PO faculty are located at F-309 and the fourth floor respectively. Modern teaching and sophisticated research facilities are available both on campus and at the field station.

A department library specializing in marine science publications is located at the main campus. The Marine Sciences Collection is a specialized collection administered by the General Library and contains bibliographic resources in all branches of marine and aquatic sciences. The library’s holdings include more than 2,983 books and 350 theses. The library subscribes to numerous journals (electronic and hard copies) and receives significan additional resources through exchange. The Marine Sciences Collection is included in the computerized catalog of the General Library and is available on the web at http://www.uprm.edu/library. The reprints collection is catalogued separately in the MARINE Database as part of the online catalog. The electronic databases are accessed through the Electronic Resources Center, available online. The Collection is available to the public for reference purposes.

The field station is on 18 acre Magueyes Island within a protected embayment off La Parguera, 22 miles from Mayagüez. In addition to classroom and laboratory facilities, the marine station has indoor and outdoor aquaria and tanks with running sea water and three museums containing reference collections of fish, invertebrates, and algae. Boats include a 51 foot Thompson trawler; a 35 foot diesel Downeast; and a number of small and medium sized open boats. Research facilities for warm water aquaculture include some 8 acres of earthen ponds, plastic pools, and aquaria.

The Magueyes Island Facilities are located at a field station established in 1954 in support of marine science research and education for the academic programs of the Institute of Marine Sciences, now Department of Marine Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. The facility is administered by the DMS and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

The principal departmental research laboratories and teaching facilities are located at Magueyes. There, graduate students have access to modern laboratories equipped with state of the art equipment for marine and oceanographic research. The marine station is located within a broad embayment protected by coral reefs and within close proximity to a wide variety of tropical marine habitats: large coral reef complexes, mangrove islets, extensive seagrass beds, rocky and sandy shorelines, a world-famous bioluminescent bay, sand and macroalgal plains, and hypersaline pools. Surrounding waters are generally calm and clear providing excellent opportunities for field research. The insular shelf extends six miles offshore.  A submerged reef line marks the edge of the shelf beyond which depths of several thousand meters are quickly encountered.

Active Research at Isla Magueyes

  • Coral Reef Biology
  • Fisheries and Essential Fish Habitat
  • Geological Oceanography
  • Marine Genomics
  • Marine Microbiology
  • Marine Population/Ecology
  • Molecular Marine Biology
  • Ocean Observation
  • Physical Oceanography
  • Quantitative Ecology
  • Reef Studies and Monitoring
  • Remote Sensing and Bio-optics

The DMS Magueyes facilities include 5 laboratory buildings with approximately 35,000 square feet. The main building houses administrative offices two general teaching laboratories, one large class room, a small conference room, a student computer center, faculty offices and the research laboratories. Additional laboratories, faculty offices and laboratories and student offices are distributed in the remainder 4 buildings. Several laboratories have a running seawater system and aquaria. A NOAA tide and weather station wave-data recording station operated housed at the site.

The DMS also possesses temporary dormitory and kitchen facilities for visiting research scientists and students. These facilities are available for a modest fee and reservations arrangements should be made through Mrs. Lilivette Valle at lilivette.valle@upr.edu


Access and Communication with Magueyes Laboratories

Access to the island requires previous request and authorization by university authorities. Twenty four hour boat service is provided by the DMS. The island is fully connected to telephone and Internet services. A general use computer center on Magueyes Island houses computers for students and visitors. La Parguera Village is within minutes on foot and numerous hotels, restaurants, pharmacy and grocery stores are readily accessible on foot or on car. Marine Capabilities: Research vessels available through the DMS Marine Operations Section include, the R/V Sultana Bruno & Stillman 42″. Small crafts from 14- to 29 feet available for near shore work.


NOTE: The information on this page changes frequently, may be outdated and in need of revision. Please contact us for the most up to date information, cima@uprm.edu.