Crosstown Schools

As a Crosstown University student, you have an opportunity to enroll in Air Force ROTC (AFROTC), receive a scholarship, gain leadership/management training and experience, and be guaranteed a job in the United States Air Force after commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant. Although AFROTC Detachment 756 is located on the campus of University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez, if students are enrolled in any of our crosstown schools they can participate in AFROTC just as if you were a student at the University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez program. This means you earn your degree from a crosstown school, but you commission from Detachment 756 at University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez, as a 2nd Lieutenant. Please note that you do NOT need a scholarship to participate in AFROTC. But if you do get offered and accept a scholarship from AFROTC, some universities will cover your room/board expenses making the scholarship a true “full ride” scholarship. Actually, it’s more than a full ride, as ROTC scholarships pay a monthly living stipend as well.

Detachment 756 Crosstown School;

Contact Detachment 756 at for more information. If you’re concerned about the details of participating from any of our crosstown schools.