What is AFROTC like?
- UPRM AFROTC is a program that builds cadets’ leadership skills.
- The academic class will teach military education, aerospace history, leadership, management and international studies.
- Leadership labs take place once a week. They are designed to train cadets to react as leaders and to provide an opportunity to gain leadership and management experience in various situations.
- Experienced cadets are tasked with leadership positions within the cadet corps and are responsible for training new cadets.
- Freshman and sophomore cadets attend one hour of class per week, one hour of Leadership Lab on Tuesday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and two hours of physical training per week for a total formal commitment of five hours per week.
- Junior and senior cadets attend the same Leadership Lab and physical training sessions, but their class time increases to two and a half hours per week for a total formal commitment of six and a half hours per week.
What is involved in the physical training?
- Physical training takes place two times a week on Tuesday and Thursday, typically from 5:30 to 6:30 am, but times may vary from semester to semester. Each cadet must attend each sessions.
- The physical training is designed to help you achieve a fitness level that meets Air Force standards and will mainly consist of calisthenics and running.
- The Air Force tests the number of push-up and sit-ups you can do in one minute as a gauge of strength, but we also perform lunges, jumping jacks, leg raises, etc. to help build overall body strength.
- The Air Force run is one and a half miles, and you receive points based on your time.
Do I have to wear a uniform?
- You are required to wear a uniform on the days of your AFROTC classes (except freshman cadets, they wear normal civilian clothes). You will also wear PT gear during PT unless otherwise specified by the Detachment Commander or the Operations Flight Commander.
Do I have to purchase my Air Force ROTC books and uniforms?
- No. Air Force ROTC provides all materials required for our classes, so books and uniforms will be issued to you. Once commissioned you are responsible for uniforms purchases. AFROTC offers 50% discount.
Can I participate in other activities and still do Air Force ROTC?
Yes! You are a student first and a cadet second, so you can participate in any activity a non-Air Force ROTC student can participate in. In fact, we highly encourage you to do so as that will help you to gain a diverse background.
What activities does the AFROTC program participate in?
We participate in many activities to expose our cadets to team and leadership opportunities, as well as to expose them to diverse experiences to help them become well-rounded leaders. Some of these activities include.
Our cadets also have opportunities to participate in numerous Professional Development Training activities such as:
- shadowing active-duty officers
- incentive flights
- base visits
How do I join AFROTC if I am already in college?
The school must offer AFROTC in order for you to join. First, you must meet with a cadre member in the detachment to ensure that you will be able to complete the program and commission within the time frame of your remaining college program. Once this is established and you are enrolled as a full-time student, you will register for Air Force ROTC classes and the Leadership Lab just as you would any other class.
Will the Air Force pay for my school?
Only cadets who compete for and receive an Air Force scholarship or cadets who have contracted with the Air Force after attending Field Training will receive any funding from the Air Force.
- AFROTC offers many scholarship opportunities.
- Prospective AFROTC cadets who are in their senior year of high school can apply for a high school scholarship before entering college.
- Cadets who receive an Air Force scholarship will start to receive a monthly stipend when their scholarship is activated.
- Cadets who receive an Air Force scholarship will also receive $900 per year in book funds ($450 per semester).
- Once in college, AFROTC cadets are eligible for an in-college scholarship. This process is competitive at the national level and nominations are handled by the host detachment cadre.
Cadets who do not receive an Air Force scholarship, but do participate in the AFROTC program, can receive a monthly stipend starting in their junior year once they have completed Field Training in the summer between their sophomore and junior years and cadet has met all the contracting requirements.
How do I apply for an Air Force scholarship if I am still in high school?
Students who are seniors in high school can apply for a scholarship from May 1 to December 1 at http://afrotc.com/scholarships/. These scholarships are very competitive and will require not only an application but also a resume’ and interview with the Air Force ROTC detachment nearest their home. Interviews do not have to take place at the school you wish to attend unless it happens to be the one that is closest to your home.
Do I have to attend basic training?
No. Instead, you will attend Field Training for AFROTC cadets, which is four weeks long. This training is held at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. You will not attend any other type of basic training such as enlisted basic training.
What happens after I graduate college and complete AFROTC?
Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree and AFROTC, you will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.
What can I do in the Air Force if I am not a pilot?
There are more than a hundred careers in the Air Force to choose from. A list of careers can be found at https://www.afrotc.com/life-after-rotc/. Depending on your assigned career field, you will incur an active duty service commitment ranging from four years, for the majority of career fields, to six years for Navigator and Air Battle Manager, and 10 years for pilots upon graduation from undergraduate pilot training.
What is the difference between AFROTC and enlisting in the Air Force?
Enlisting in the Air Force is done through a local recruiter followed by basic training and prospective technical training. This avenue does not require a college degree.
AFROTC is one of three commissioning sources for the United States Air Force:
- Air Force Academy (USAFA)
- Air Force ROTC (AFROTC)
- Officer Training School (OTS)
Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree and AFROTC, you will be commissioned as an officer, followed by specific training in a career field. Officers are trained to be the leaders and supervisors of enlisted personnel. Rank, pay and career opportunities for officers are commensurate with their elevated level of responsibility.
Who is eligible for an ROTC scholarship?
You can apply for four-year ROTC scholarships while in high school. In-college scholarships are available once you’ve started college. The scholarships are based on merit, not need. See http://afrotc.com/scholarships/ for more information.
What grades do I have to maintain?
Scholarship cadets must maintain a 2.5 GPA, and all cadets must have a 2.0 GPA, to enter the Professional Officer Course (POC – for juniors and seniors).