In order to participate and complete the U.S. Air Force ROTC program at UPRM, you will need to meet and maintain the following qualifications:
- Be enrolled full time at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus or participant crosstown school.
- Enroll and participate in both the aerospace studies class and leadership lab each semester.
- Be age 14 or older (minimum age for enlistment is 17; minimum age for commissioning is 18; maximum commissioning age is 39 — waiverable up to 42 if the candidate can meet high-quality standards).
- Be of good moral character without serious or excessive civil involvements.
- Complete in-processing checklist.
- Pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test.
- Pass a medical examination.
- Pass physical fitness requirements.
- Successfully complete field training.
- Maintain required GPA standards. 2.5 for scholarship cadets / 2.0 for all others (All attempted college courses count towards GPA calculation.)
- Scholarship retention — 2.5 (term) and 2.5 (cumulative) on a 4.0 scale (pre-health GPA is 3.5)
- Receive a “C-” or better in all aerospace studies courses and pass all leadership labs.
- Receive an allocation slot in the professional officer course.
- Be a U.S. citizen or working towards U.S. citizenship (contact AFROTC cadre for details on required timeline for obtaining citizenship.).