Best poster presentation award at ACS 46th Senior Technical Meeting goes to UPRM Chemistry Student.
The chemistry department congratulates undergraduate chemistry student Joshua Rivera for receiving first place in the poster presentation competition during the American Chemical Society 46th Senior Technical Meeting. The event titled “Where ideas collide and transformations begin” took place at Hotel Costa Bahía, Guayanilla on Saturday November 4th. More than seventy-nine students presented their poster during the research competition.
Joshua’s award-winning poster was titled “Exploring Two-dimensional Copper Zinc-Heterostructures as Electrocatalyst for decarbonization Technology”. His research was performed under the mentorship of Dr. Joselyn Del Pilar (UPRM) and Dr. Richard D. Robinson (Cornell University) while participating in the NSF-PREM 2023 CIE2M-CHESS summer internship.

Student Joshua Rivera (left) with his award-winning. Dr. Del Pilar and his research group (right) after a full day of research presentations at the 46th Senior Technical Meeting.
“We are proud of Joshua’s dedication and enthusiasm. He has learned and grown a lot as a scientist since he first joined our group over a year ago. It is very cool to see. We hope to continue being part of his scientific journey” said Joshua’s mentor, Dr. Del Pilar.
Very well done!