

CEREMONIA DE LA BATA BLANCA DE LABORATORIO PARA LOS NUEVOS ESTUDIANTES DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE QUIMICA DEL RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO DE MAYAGUEZ DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO     Anoche en el salón de actividades anexo al Centro de Estudiantes del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, de la UPR, el Departamento de Química llevó a cabo una…

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Chemistry Students Learn about Legacy Nuclear Waste’s Environmental Management

Graduate student Yashira Rolón and undergraduate students Joshua Rivera and Sonia Rodriguez knew little about nuclear waste. All that changed this past June when the three students traveled to South Carolina to participate in the Environmental Stewardship Boot Camp. The Environmental Stewardship Boot Camp is a one-week immersive research experience that exposes students to research…

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El estudiante Oscar Escorcia obtuvo oportunidad para visitar la Universidad de California, Los Angeles con NSF I-Corps Site UPRM, Dr. José E. Lugo

Mensaje del estudiante: I’m grateful with NSF I-Corps Site UPRM, Dr. José E Lugo, and his assistant for allowing me this opportunity to visit the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to conduct interviews with students about our business idea “Health bracelet”. It was a great opportunity to know what aspects affect the performance of the students…

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