Teaching Assistant Positions

Teaching Assistant (TA) positions are awarded by the academic departments on a competitive basis. Typically In order to maintain this position the student must maintain a minimum GPA, of 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale and perform assigned duties. A student in good standing will be supported for a maximum of 4 semesters, and in some special circumstances a fifth semester of support could be offered.

Research Assistant Positions

Research Assistant (RA) positions are typically awarded by the professor who is the holder of the research grant. These appointments usually pay for fees and tuition (if applicable) and salary of approximately $1200/month. Students are encouraged to read about faculty research and to contact faculty to arrange for a RA position.

Scholarships and Fellowships for Graduate Students

There is a number of external funding opportunities for graduate students. We encourage prospective and current students to research available opportunities. The CISE Administrative Office is available to help you with institutional letters of support. Here is a list of potential funding programs: