
Ubaldo M. Córdova

Co-Founder | Doer and ecosystem builder

Moraima De Hoyos-Ruperto

Co-Founder |BEDC Director | Co-PI NSF I-Corp Site I

 Jose Vega

Co-Founder | Former BEDC Co-founder and Director

Mari Luz Zapata Ramos

Marketing Leader BEDC I Co-PI NSF I-Corp Site I Co-PI NVDE I Mentor

Glennys Rivera Vargas

Entrepreneur | Entrepreneurship Mentor I Client Management BEDC I Enactus Advisor

José Lugo

PI NSF I-Corp Site I Colaborador CNDE I CoPI NVDE I Mentor

María Amador Dumois

Director CRECEN/ Collaborator BEDC

David Santiago Rosado

Co-PI HMCBP I NPO-SIED Director I BEDC Colaborator

Lourdes Medina Avilés

BEDC Collaborator I Associate Professor I Industrial Engineering Department

 Rodolfo Romanach

Associate Professor | BEDC Colaborator

Agustín Rullán Toro

University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Chancellor

Are you interested in becoming part of the select group of mentors at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus (UPRM)?


The main objective of the UPRM E-Ship Mentoring Program is to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the western area by providing more connections between knowledgeable and experienced individuals and the new generation of entrepreneurs at our campus.


Become a Mentor