Ubaldo M. Córdova
Co-Founder | Doer and ecosystem builder
Co-Founder | Doer and ecosystem builder
Co-Founder |BEDC Director | Co-PI NSF I-Corp Site I
Co-Founder | Former BEDC Co-founder and Director
Marketing Leader BEDC I Co-PI NSF I-Corp Site I Co-PI NVDE I Mentor
Entrepreneur | Entrepreneurship Mentor I Client Management BEDC I Enactus Advisor
PI NSF I-Corp Site I Colaborador CNDE I CoPI NVDE I Mentor
Director CRECEN/ Collaborator BEDC
Co-PI HMCBP I NPO-SIED Director I BEDC Colaborator
BEDC Collaborator I Associate Professor I Industrial Engineering Department
Associate Professor | BEDC Colaborator
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Chancellor