New Research Projects
Professor | Agency | Project Title | Finished | Effective |
Godoy, Luis | The National Science Foundation | A Computer-Based Simulated Environment To Learn On Structural Failures In Engineering | Jul/1/2008-
Dec/30/2011 |
$148,962.00 |
Hwang, Sangchul
US EPA through Shaw Environmental, Inc. | Implementation of Experimental Drum Filtration Units and Remote Telemetry Monitoring of Surface Water Filtration Systems and in the Rio Piedras Community in San Germán, Puerto Rico | Jul/6/2009-
$38,273.40 |
Guayama, PR |
BiodescompositionSangchul Hwang | Jan/2010-
Dec/ 2010 |
$31,604.00 |
USDA | Bio-Utilization of Coffee-Processing Waste | Aug/1/2010- Jul/31/2012 | $50,000 | |
AES | Development of Ternary Relationships Among Soil Characteristics, CAAs Application Rate and Groundwater Quality: Column Percolation and Leaching Prediction | Jan/1/2011- Dec/31/2013 | $206,757.00 | |
José F. Lluch | Services Contract
Between Gonzalez Castañer Morales & Guzman, C.S.P. and the Mayaguez Campus of the University of Puerto Rico |
2007-2011 | $145,477.12 | |
López, Ricardo | University of California, Berkeley | NEESR-GC: Reducing Risk In Collapse-Prone Buildings Through Improved Simulations and Mitigation | Dec/1/2007- Nov/30/2011 | $141,390 |
Maldonado, Francisco
Administradapor CENSSIS |
ADM DESARROLLO EMPRESAS AGROPECUARIAS | Mejoramientode los Procesos del Beneficiado de Café-Auditoría Energética | Feb/7/2011- Feb/6/2012 | x |
Adm. Asuntos Energía
Development of the process to pursue energy efficiency as a high priority; determine the potential for cost-effective energy efficiency; development of the energy efficiency savings goals and targets; development of the mechanisms for evaluation, measurement and verification; and development of the phase II implementation plan. |
Integrated Process to Stimulate Energy Efficiency Action in PR | Dec/14/2010- Dec/30/2013 | Cancelada
nov/13/11 |
Molina Bas, Omar | Plan de Práctica Intramural Universitaria Autoridad par a las Alianzas Público Privadas | ServiciosTécnicos, Investigativos y Educativos Plan de Práctica Intramural Universitaria Autoridad para las Alianzas Público-Privadas | Sept 2010 – junio 2012 | $172,650 |
Padilla, Ingrid | DoE | Detection, Fate, Transport and Remediation of Chlorinated Solvents in Low-Permeability Porous Media | 2007 – 2012 | $150,000/año
$750,000 por el período |
Administradapor CENSSIS | Northeastern University | IGERT: Intelligent Diagnostic for Aging Civil Infrastructure | Manejadopor CENSSIS | |
NIH-NIEHS | NIH: Puerto Rico Test site for Exploring Contamination Threats (PRoTECT) | Abril/2010
Abril2012 |
$225,742 |
Northeastern University | April/1/2011
March/31/2012 |
$8,400.00 | ||
ERDC | Tunnel Vulnerability & Mitigation Systems | Sep/1/2008-Nov/20/2008 | x
$63000 |
USGS | Ambient Vibrations Measurements For Estimation Of Site Fundamental Periods At Mayaguez | May/1/2010
Oct/31/2011 |
$26,550 |
Didier Valdés | CACGP
The same description written below. |
Summer Transportation Institute (STI-2011) | Mar/25/2011
Ago/13/2011 |
$16,448 |
The main objective is to expose a group of high school students to a variety of academic experiences designed to motivate them toward professions in the field of transportation. High school students who have just completed their sophomore year can participate on the Summer Transportation Institute in Puerto Rico. |
2011 National Summer Transportation Institute | Jun/6/2010
Jan/31/2012 |
$51,951.25 | |
The proposal intends to develop a mobile computing application for automating the collection process of field inspection data using iPad’s or Android Tablets. |
Using Mobile Computers to Automate the Inspection Process for Highway Construction Projects | Mar/1/2012
Sept/30/2012 |
$74,990.75 |