June 8-10, 2005: LACCEI Conference, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. The Center participates in the organization of the meeting.
March 12, 2005: AMP meeting at UPRM, students present their research.
March 10, 2005: Presentation of CIRC research to the Associate Dean for Research- College of Engineering, Dr. Jose Colucci.
February 10, 2005: Visit of the Board of directors, Construction Cluster of Puerto Rico, to interact with researchers.
February 8-11, 2005: Visit of senior scientists of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) Dr. David Pittman, Dr. Carlos Ruiz, Dr. John Nestler and Dr. Ed Theriot.
January 10, 2005: Visit of Environmental Protection Agency scientists from Cincinnati OH to explore opportunities for students and researchers.