Matías J. Cafaro, Ph.D.
Research Committee Coordinator
Associate Dean – Art & Sciences
Professor – Biology Department
Research Committee

Ingrid Y. Padilla, Ph.D., P.H.
Special Advisor to the Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Creative Endeavors
Professor of Civil Engineering & Surveying
Lucas N. Avilés, Professor
Associate Dean & Assistant Director of EEA
Professor – Agri-environmental Sciences

Manuel Jimenez, Ph.D.
UPRM R&D Center Director
Ivette Cruzado, Ph.D.
Research Academy Coordinator
Professor – Civil Engineering and Surveying Department
Ricky Valentín, Ph.D.
Associate Dean – Engineering
Professor – Mechanical Engineering

Angela Ramos Pérez, Ph.D.
Associate Dean – Business Administration
Prof. Héctor O. López Méndez
Director – Office of Graduate Studies
Representative – Graduate Students Committee
The UPRM Research, Innovation and Creative Endeavors System (in short, The UPRM Research Committee) is constituted by all those components directly involved with the operation of the research structure at Campus. The UPRM Research Committee seeks the development of an integral and systemic approach encompassing the objectives, tasks, procedures and strategies conducive to a better organized, interactive and synergistic interaction of all involved components at the whole UPRM level.
This integral and interactive approach will also reinforce the UPRM leadership in Research and Innovation in the Nation while fostering a more solid and competitive international projection according to the Vice Presidency for Science & Technology of the University of Puerto Rico.
The above described vision becomes even more relevant in current times when keeping the financial wealth of our Institution is mandatory. As part of this required scenario, the intellectual and material resources generated by our Research, Innovation and Creative Endeavors be of paramount historical importance.
The UPRM Research Committee’s main goal is tightly related to the University Strategic Plan, however, its accomplishment demands an appropriate design and implementation protocol, not only at each individual research’s component but also at a large scale inside and outside UPRM.
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