Our team of more than 30 people are trained to help you meet your business goals.
Our team of more than 30 people are trained to help you meet your business goals.
Jadiel Martínez
Director Assistant
Lcda. Marién Méndez
Lizeth Robles
Co-Director Assistant
Joankimberly Giovannety
Fiscal Supervisor
Carolina Rivera
Fiscal Supervisor Assistant
Lcda. Yarisis López Colón
Project Manager
Isabel Pérez Díaz
Assistant Project Manager
Dra. Norma I. Gómez
Educational Program Director
Human Resources Assistant / Educational Program
Marketing Director
Marketing Assistant
Jesús G. Colón Rivera
Web Developer
Kathiely Rivera
Marketing Assistant
Beverly Malugin
Marketing Assistant
Fabiana Rivera
Marketing Assistant
Yei Ann Matos
Marketing Assistant
Faculty in Accounting and Commercial Law
Faculty in Accounting
Némesis N. Caban
Accounting Assistant
Dra. Marielí Ríos
Emotional Entrepreneurship
Dra. Leila Marcano
Marketing and BMC
Dra. Lourdes Medina
UPRM Professor; CNDE Improvement
Sr. Obeth Seguinot
For more information about the CDBG-DR Program and the projects subsidized by it, you can contact:
1-833-234-CDBG o
Programa CDBG-DR
Puerto Rico P.O. Box 21365
San Juan, PR 00928-1365
The program ÁREA-E, attached to the School of Business Administration of the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus appreciates your interest in providing goods and/or services for CDBG-DR activities and encourages people with low to moderate income or who identify themselves as minorities as well as women.
To learn more about the Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) policy of the CDBG-DR program click here.
To send us your comments or complaints about the Área-E program click here.