Author: Manuel Valdes Pizzini, Ph.D.
Institution: University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Year: 2006
This project allowed us to understand the legal, social, economic and policy processes and framework that configure the process of marine protected area (MPA) design, development and implementation in Puerto Rico. The analysis led to the construction of a set of guidelines (in progress) for the establishment of MPAs in Puerto Rico. Through this project our team contributed to the development of the management plans for the Tres Palmas (Rincon) and the canal Luís Peña (Culebra) Marine Reserves.
References & more
- Research reports: August 2006, February 2006, February 2005
- Aguilar-Perera A., Schärer M., Valdés-Pizzini M. (2006) Marine protected areas in Puerto Rico: Historical and current perspectives. Ocean & Coastal Management 49(12): 961-975
- Desrosiers M., Driggs M., Miller E., Jillian-Yao HW (2005) Project report: A critical evaluation of challenges to marine protected areas in Puerto Rico. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Submitted to: Prof. Scott Jiusto and Prof. Lauren Mathews.
- Garcia Y., Valdes-Pizzini M. (2010) Final report: Developing a socio-economic monitoring agenda for marine protected areas in Puerto Rico: application of the SOCMON protocol. OAR National Sea Grant College Program. Award number: NA07OAR4170504
- Hernández-Delgado E., Shivlani M., Sabat A. (2014) Ecosystem-based and community-based model integration to designate coral reef no-take marine protected areas: a case study from Puerto Rico. Natural Resources 5(10): 538-560. doi: 10.4236/nr.2014.510049