Ph.D. 2016, Meat Science and Muscle Biology, Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
M.S. 2012, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Carne, Industaria Pecuaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
B.S. 2008, Industria Pecuaria, Industria Pecuaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
Área de investigación
Ciencia y Tecnología de Carnes
Interés de investigación
Mi enfoque principal es evaluar los factores ante- y post-mortem que afectan la calidad de la carne para mejorar la misma. Trabajo principalmente con bovinos, pero también asistimos con investigaciones en cerdos, pequeños rumiantes y aves. Recientemente estamos trabajando en el desarrollo de programas académicos para capacitar estudiantes para carreras en el mundo de producción y procesamiento de carnes.
CIAN 5357 – Ciencia y Tecnología de Carnes Frescas (2022-presente)
CIAN 4357 – Productos de Origen Animal (2017-presente)
CIAN 3011 – Fundamentos de Ciencia Animal (2017-presente)
CIAN 4026 / 4027 – Problemas Especiales (2017-presente)
CIAN 4038 – Seminario II (2016-2018)
CIAN 6607 – Seminario Graduado (2017)
CIAN 6999 – Tesis (2018 – presente)
Propuestas recientes
USDA-HATCH, $210,570, Determination of an ideal creep feeding supplementation period on performance and beef quality of Senepol and Senepol x Red Angus bulls in Puerto Rico, 2024-2028USDA-NIFA, $950,000, PRMIA: A strategic alliance impacting Puerto Rico’s meat and poultry industry by using immersive teaching methods to deliver instruction, 2023-2028
USDA-NIFA, $474,999, Establishing an educational pipeline to strengthen the MPP industry workforce in the Caribbean, 2022-2027
USDA-HATCH, $50,000, Beef quality assessment of strategically supplemented yearling Senepol and Senepol x Red Angus bull calves in the tropics – A pilot study, 2022-2024
USDA-HATCH, $119,981, Exploring the use of Post-Extraction Algae Residue (PEAR) as a protein supplement for beef cattle in Puerto Rico, 2018-2023
Propuestas arbitradas
Dones-Ortiz, C. K. Domenech-Pérez, H. Sánchez-Rodríguez, E. Jiménez-Cabán, Y. Torres-Burgos, G. Guerrero-Flórez, W. Torres Ruiz, and N. Peña-Alvarado. 2022. The use of Hematoxylin and Eosin muscle staining and Image-J as tools to assess the incidence and severity of white striping in chicken breasts. J. Agric. Univ. P.R. 106 (2):155-164.
Sánchez-Rodríguez, H. and K. Domenech-Pérez. 2021. Light sensors assess solar radiation vs. shade exposure of Slick and Wild type Puerto Rican Holstein cows. J. Agric. Univ. P. R. 105 (1):39-48.
Tosado-Martínez, T., K. Domenech-Pérez and H. Sánchez-Rodríguez. 2021. Comparación del rendimiento de canal de conejos F1 de padre Nueva Zelanda Rojo o Gigante de Flandes. J. Agric. Univ. P. R. 105 (1):49-61.
Tosado-Martínez, T., K. Domenech-Pérez and H. Sánchez-Rodríguez. 2021. Efecto de la raza paterna y sexo de las crías en el crecimiento de conejos hasta las 13 semanas de edad J. Agric. Univ. P. R. 105 (1):63-72.
Rivera-Barreto, M. I., Colón-Rodríguez, G. Soriano-Varela, C. Golderos-Trujillo, N. Maeso-Ramírez, M. Torres-Sifre, I. M. Bellavista-Colón, K. Domenech-Pérez, and H. Sánchez-Rodríguez. 2020. Evaluation of a commercial accelerometer for remote monitoring of lying and standing events in dairy calves in Puerto Rico. J. Agric. Univ. P. R. 104(1):31-42.
Hall, H. R., K. I. Domenech, E. K. Wilkerson, F. A. Ribeiro, K. H. Jenkins, J. C. MacDonald, and C. R. Calkins. 2020. Fresh beef quality from cattle fed field peas during pasture and finishing phases of production. Meat and Muscle Biology Journal 4(1): 1-8.
Ribeiro, F. A., K. I. Domenech-Pérez, C. J. Contreras-Castillo, K. Hart, N. J. Herrera, and
C. R. Calkins. 2019. Feeding distillers grains to cattle may affect beef tenderness
early postmortem. J. of Ani. Sci. doi:10.1093/jas/sky445.
Ribeiro, F. A., K. Domenech-Pérez, N. J. Herrera, K. Hart and C. R. Calkins. 2019. Impact of dietary fat source on beef tenderness. 2019 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report MP106: 111-113.
Herrera, N. J., E. K. Wilkerson, K. I. Domenech-Pérez, F. A. Ribeiro, M. D. Chao and C. R. Calkins. 2018. The relationship between marbling, superoxide dismutase, and beef tenderness. 2018 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report MP105: 141-142.
Calkins, C. R., J. J. O’Daniel, G. K. Naganathan, K. B. Hart, K. I. Domenech-Pérez and T. B. Schmidt. 2018. Potential variation in determination of Longissimus muscle area in carcasses from heifers fed with or without Zilpaterol Hydrochloride. 2018 Nebraska Beef Cattel Report MP105: 143-144.
Ribeiro, F. A., K. I. Domenech-Pérez, C. J. Contreras-Castillo, E. K. Wilkerson, H. R. Voegele, K. B. Hart, N. J. Herrera, and C. R. Calkins. 2018. Effect of dietary fat source on beef strip loin steak display life. J. of Ani. Sci. 96: 2665-2674.
Chao, M. D., K. I. Domenech-Pérez, L. S. Senaratne-Lenagala and C. R. Calkins. 2017. Feeding wet distillers grains plus solubles contributes to sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane instability. Ani. Production Sci.
Domenech-Pérez, K. I., A. Rivera, A. Casas, D. Cianzio, F. Pérez and Sánchez-Ramírez, H. L. 2017. Efecto de la edad cronológica y sexo sobre las características de terneza y jugosidad de la carne de vacunos criados en Puerto Rico. J. Agric. Univ. P.R. 101(1):35-49.
Domenech-Pérez, K. I., A. Rivera, A. Casas, D. Cianzio, F. Pérez and Sánchez-Ramírez, H. L. 2017. Efecto de sexo y tipo sobre las características de terneza y jugosidad de la carne de vacunos con 8 incisivos permanentes (≥ 53 meses de edad) en Puerto Rico. J. Agric. Univ. P.R. 101(1):51-62.
Domenech-Pérez, K. I., C. R. Calkins, M. D. Chao, M. E. Semler, K. A. Varnold, and G. E.
Erickson. 2017 Impact of feeding de-oiled wet distillers grains plus solubles on beef shelf life. J. of Ani. Sci. 95:709-717.
Presentaciones Internacionales
“Exploring Puerto Rican beef production with Dr. Katherine Domenech.” This episode of MeatPad with Dr. Francisco Najar was recorded on June 6, 2023, and is available for viewing on most media platforms.“Producción de carne y sus efectos en el trópico con Dr. Katherine Domenech.” This episode of MeatPad in Spanish with Dr. Francisco Najar was recorded on June 5, 2023, and is available for viewing on most media platforms.
“Beef cattle research in the tropics – Experiences from the University of Puerto.” This presentation was offered virtually at the 76th Annual Meeting of Subtropical Agriculture and Environmental Society on February 11, 2022.
Presentaciones locales
“Jueves de Ciencia Boricua – Entrevista radial.” This radio interview was conducted by Dr. Mónica Feliú, the communications director for Ciencia Puerto Rico, an organization that highlights professionals from Puerto Rico involved in science. The interview was held on May 11, 2023, through the Radio Isla AM radio station.
“Transporte animal – Dra. Katherine Domenech.” This training video was recorded for cattle producers in Puerto Rico to determine fitness and wellness for cattle prior to and during transport as part of the FARM certification program within the dairy industry. The video was recorded at the beef cattle farm, Finca La Montaña in Aguadilla P.R. on March 8, 2023 and is available through YouTube.
“Seminario Asociación estudiantil de CIAN: Oportunidades para participar de investigación subgraduada en CIAN.” This presentation was offered virtually on February 22, 2022.
“Carreras profesiones en ciencias agrícolas relacionadas a los animales e insectos.” This presentation was solicited by the EcoExploratorio to Agytú, a UPRM agricultural education project under the lead of Dr. Edly Santiago. The virtual presentation was offered through Zoom on February 24, 2021.
“Research areas in Animal Science at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez.” This presentation was solicited by the Encouraging careers in food security and safety (ECaFSS) project at UPR-Aguadilla. The virtual presentation was offered through Google Meet on November 12, 2020.
“¿Por qué consumir la carne de res del país?” This presentation was solicited by the local beef cooperative (Cooperativa de Productores de Carne de Res de Puerto Rico) and was offered at the agricultural fair 5 Días con Nuestra Tierra on April 11, 2019 at the University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Campus.
“The road to Graduate School.” This presentation was solicited and offered to the Alpha Zeta honorary fraternity along with Dr. Guillermo Ortiz Colon on March 28, 2019 at the University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Campus.
“La ruta a unPh.D.” This presentation was offered through the Center of Professional Enrichment (Centro de Enriquecimiento Profesional) along with Dr. Guillermo Ortiz Colon and Dr. Mireille Argüellez on February 27, 2018 at the University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Campus.
“Sacia tus curiosidades sobre la carne de res.” This presentation was solicited by the local beef cooperative (Cooperativa de Productores de Carne de Res de Puerto Rico) and was offered at the Coliseo Jesús M. ‘Tito’ Colón; Feria Artesanal y Agrícola de la Montaña on April 4, 2017 at Orocovis, PR.
“Sacia tus curiosidades sobre la carne de res.” This presentation was solicited by the Experimental Station and it was offered at the agricultural fair 5 Días con Nuestra Tierra on March 14, 2017 at the University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Campus.