CIIM 6005

Course Description Integrated study of the fundamental concepts of advanced materials necessary to understand the development of their structures and properties, as well as their engineering applications. Analysis of the structure and properties of ceramic, composite, electronic, metallic, and polymer materials; atomic- and nanometer-scale microstructures, including long-range and short-range order atomic arrangements, as well as the development of microstructures and their transformations. Case studies on the design of materials and their synthetic pathways
Credit Hours 3
Course Options
Exchange…………………………………………………………  No
Special Topic…………………………………………………..  No
Type………………………………………………………………..  Normal
Offering Semester…………………………………………….  Fall
Students can take this course multiple times……………………………………………  No
Grading Schema Passing Grade : C
Requisites Prerequisites:     Director’s permission
Course Syllabus