Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Graduate Program

Coordinator: O. Marcelo Suarez, PhD (

In recent years materials-related research at UPRM in general, and in our department in particular, has had remarkable success due to diverse efforts in materials synthesis, nanotechnology and nanomaterials processing, metallurgy and solid state physics. However, there is still a lack of a centralized program to further develop this research and accompanying educational endeavors. Aware of this situation, the Department of General Engineering formulated a plan for a Master of Science Program in MSE. This program became part of the departmental strategic plan in the context of the College of Engineering (CoE) mission and vision. Resources invested in this venture included hiring faculty members with MSE degrees and refurbishing laboratories for materials research. Thanks to research grants from the National Science Foundation, The Department of Defense, The Department of Education, as well as others, most of the materials characterization techniques and processing systems are currently available in our laboratories.

Our graduate program will offer an MS degree that integrates various disciplines with an emphasis on MSE to complement the undergraduate engineering background. If the prospective student is enthused by materials research the degree will also prepare him/her for a doctoral program in MSE or other materials-related disciplines at UPRM or anywhere else. The broad specialties within the MSE degree will allow the students to customize their academic programs to suit their specific professional goals, which will ensure that they can successfully compete in the new millennium job market. As part of the program more than 12 new graduate courses will be offered with pertinent courses from other departments included as electives.  More info…