Indra Gonzalez Ojeda

With her Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Limits Amyloid Development in Hen Egg White Lysozyme (HEWL) as a Function of Concentration Poster

Cristina I Pérez Caro

With her Effect of CaS nanostructures in Growth and Proliferation of Melanoma and Benign Skin Cells in Vitro

Álani Aldarondo Torres

With her Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Inhibits Insulin Amyloid Fibril Formation Poster

Jennifer Ramirez-Zea

With her Determination of Signals Displaced from the Motor Zone of the Brain for Imaging Applications Poster

Joel Rivera Cardona

With his A Novel Use of Water-Soluble CdSe Quantum Dots Capped with GSH for Minute Virus of Mice Prototype Genome Labeling



Experimental Biology 2019

Five (5) UG students have poster presentations in the EB 2019 meeting (April 2019). The citation for the abstract presentation of each one of them follows:

  1. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Inhibits Insulin Amyloid Fibril Formation, Alani Aldarondo Torres. Manuel F. Rosario Alomar, Juan López Garriga, Igor K. Lednev The FASEB, 2019:[33]:p463.1.
  2. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Limits Amyloid Development in Hen Egg White Lysozyme (HEWL) as a Function of ConcentrationGonzalez Ojeda IM, Quiñones Ruiz T, Rosario Alomar M, Lednev IK, Lopez Garriga J., The FASEB journal, 2019: (33): p.464.4.
  3. Effect of CaS nanostructures in growth and proliferation of melanoma and benign skin cells in vitro, Cristina Ivelisse Pérez-Caro, Michelle Angelie Narváez-Ramos, Olga Rodríguez-Martínez, Keyshla Muñoz-Muñoz, Edu B Suarez-Martínez, Nanette Diffoot-Carlo, and Miguel Castro-Rosario. The FASEB Journal 2019 33:1  p.802.28-802.28
  4. A novel use of water-soluble CdSe Quantum Dots capped with GSH for Minute Virus of Mice prototype genome labeling. Joel Rivera, Shirley Ann Arroyo, and Nanette Diffoot-Carlo. The FASEB Journal 2019 33:1 p. 635.18-635.18
  5. Determination of signals displaced from the motor zone of the brain for imaging applications.  Jennifer Cristina Ramírez and Vidya Manian. The FASEB Journal   2019   33: 1  p.446,8.


The ABRCMS 2018 meeting (November 2018) was an important visit for most students.  The conference served for them to participate in the various meetings and workshops that are directed to under represented students.  The conference “broke” the ice in their career development.  The students had the opportunity to interact on a one to one basis with representatives from various schools where they received information for summer internships, graduate school and MD PhD programs.  We made it a requirement for all RISE E BASE students to attend the following ABRCMS 2018 Meeting Conferences/workshops:

  1. How to Navigate the NIH Peer Review Process and Receive an NIH Fellowship and Research Grant
  2. Making Sense of Biomedical Research
  3. Cell biologists love to take “cellfies” – Strategies to understand the cell biology of disease.
  4. Scientific Discoveries of The BRAIN Initiative
  5. Confessions of Admission Officials
  6. M.D. – Ph.D.: Is it right for me?
  7. Preparing forGraduateSchool: Doctoral Student-Run Multidisciplinary
  8. Picking the Perfect Ph.D. Program for You: Why Choose a School with a T32?
  9. Strategies for Taking Standardized Admissions Tests: Preparing for the GRE Exams
  10. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat
  11. What We Look at, and For, inGraduateSchool Application