February 17
RCR 6: Special Reads (second time)
a. The fight against fake-paper factories that churn out sham science (nature.com)
Andrea Flores Lead Discussion
b. Errors in genetic sequences mar hundreds of studies (nature.com)
Gabriel Jimenez Lead Discussion
February 24
RCR 7: Darlene, Valerie, Angeliz Leader
Theme 16: Research Reproducibility
case_studies-2016.pdf (nih.gov)
March 10
RCR 8/5: Xavier, Natalia , Ephraim (Coral and Eduardo and Gabriela)
RCR Casebook: Data Acquisition and Management | ORI – The Office of Research Integrity (hhs.gov)
Xavier: Case One: Creating a Public Archive of Sensitive Data | ORI – The Office of Research Integrity
Natalia: Case Two: Data Sharing Fever | ORI – The Office of Research Integrity (hhs.gov)
Ephraim: Case Three: I Really Can’t Acquire Important Data? | ORI – The Office of Research Integrity
Coral and Eduardo (Gabriela Leader): Role Play: Genome Data Breach* | ORI – The Office of Research
Integrity (hhs.gov)