Programa de Investigación Formal

Proyectos Activos

Estación Experimental Agrícola


Improvement of reproduction and profitability of criollo ewes in a tropical environment


Manufacture and marketability of value-add products using goat milk


Performance, health, carcass and meat quality, sensory attributes and consumer preference for lambs reared under thermal stress under grazing and feedlot conditions and slaughtered at two body weights.


Physiological parameters associated with heat stress in small ruminants raised under tropical climates.


Recruitment, development of research and extension capabilities, and study abroad experiences for animal science and pre-vet students using small ruminants as models.


Enhancement of soft skills and entrepreneurship in undergraduate and graduate students form Food, Agriculture and Natural Sciences (FANS) by their involvement in Experiential Learning Activities and Outreach Activities


Programas Educativos para el Fortalecimiento de la Producción Comercial de Carne de Cordero y Productos Lácteos de Leche de Cabra en Puerto Rico