Undergraduate Student Learning Objectives and their respective areas of competence
The students of the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, at the time of graduation should demonstrate competence in the corresponding areas of each of the following learning objectives:
- Communicate effectively orally and in writing, in both Spanish and English, particularly in their major area
Explanatory note on the differences in the competencies in Spanish and English:
Communication, in its diverse manifestations, is conducted in both Spanish and English at UPRM depending on the situation and context. Mastery of communication competences in Spanish is expected to be evidenced at a greater degree than English for students whose native language is Spanish. Likewise, regarding the achievement of communication competences in English, the institutional commitment for undergraduate education is that students whose native language is Spanish should attain command of English as a second language.
Competences regarding communication in Spanish:
- Read texts of diverse kinds with fluidity and comprehension, so as to be able to summarize, analyze, and discuss them
- Write diverse types of texts that comply with the rules of Spanish grammar and the stylistic conventions established by experts in the discipline
- Interpret, analyze, and discuss discourses of diverse types
- Conduct formal and informal discourses that comply with the rhetorical rules and conventions established by experts in the discipline
Competences regarding communication in English:
- Read, understand, and interpret diverse types of texts
- Conduct formal or informal conversations clearly and coherently, so as to be able to demonstrate comprehension of what is heard and the capacity to articulate ideas
- Write formal papers on diverse topics
- Give formal presentations on diverse topics
- Think critically
- Distinguish questions that have definitive answers from opinions, as well as those that require consideration of multiple viewpoints
- Clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the different viewpoints and determine whether they are valid
- Hear and analyze other points of view and identify their strengths and weaknesses
- Strive to be impartial in evaluating different points of view
- Formulate a point of view taking into account one’s analysis of a given question
- Develop the capacity to generate answers and alternatives that differ from the norm
- Develop knowledge and skills related to their field of study and apply them to the identification and solution of problems
- For this objective each department will develop measurable learning outcomes according the standards and the needs of their field of study
- Apply mathematical reasoning, the scientific method, research designs, and information technologies
Mathematical reasoning:
- Apply and integrate mathematical and reasoning skills at the appropriate level in their field of study
- Solve quantitative problems in daily life or in their field of study
- Interpret information presented in charts, graphs, or diagrams
- Interpret statistical information and mathematical models by identifying variables, constants, and types of error
- Determine if the conclusions that are derived are reasonable
Scientific method and research designs:
- Apply the scientific method and appropriate research designs in formulating and solving research questions
- Formulate adequate research questions appropriate to their field of study
- Design and conduct research projects in their field of study applying the research designs appropriate to the field
- Use valid and reliable references to support their arguments
- Apply mathematical reasoning, critical thinking, and both qualitative and quantitative approaches in the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained in the research they conduct
- Divulge the findings of their research in different forums and in the appropriate formats
Information technologies:
- Manage basic computer skills
- Use current information skills appropriately to modern life in general
- Conduct research using both printed and electronic resources
- Identify and use services and databases in an academic library
- Recognize and use valid and reliable references
- Identify reliable databases in their field of study
- Recognize the ethical implications of different actions and integrate ethical standards or codes into responsible decision-making and implementation
- Identify explicit or implicit ethical dilemmas in specific situations, in the decisions that are made in those situations, and in the courses of action that follow
- Evaluate the environmental, social, and legal consequences of different stances and actions, and make choices and implement them based on ethical standards and judgments
- Formulate ethical principles that guide their personal life
- Know and apply the ethical principles that govern academic endeavor in general and their specific field of study, and the codes of ethics of the profession to which they aspire
- Demonstrate respect for nature and the environment, particularly in Puerto Rico
- Recognize the relationship between the environment, space and place, as well as their interaction with social processes
- Recognize and understand the principal environmental problems and risks at different geographical scales: local, national, regional, and global
- Contribute to the formulation and implementation of solutions to environmental problems in Puerto Rico and the world at large
- Be knowledgeable about Puerto Rican heritage and culture
- Recognize and appreciate the characteristics that identify and distinguish the Puerto Rican people
- Recognize the Puerto Rican traditions
- Know the most important characters and events of our national history and the present day
- Appreciate the contribution of Puerto Ricans in areas such as art, literature, science, technology, and sports, among others
- Identify and appreciate the diverse groups that compose the Puerto Rican people and their contributions
- Recognize and appreciate the characteristics that identify and distinguish the geography and natural resources of Puerto Rico
- Appreciate the essential values of a democratic society and the role of the individual in such a society
- Acknowledge the importance of the opportunities that democracy offers for individual participation in political and social processes in general through different institutions such as student and community organizations, among others
- Exercise the right of each one’s participation in the delineation and implementation of public policy
- Respect the decisions taken by the majority in democratic processes
- Debate diverse political and social ideas, as well as the needs and options for change, in a framework of mutual respect
- Understand the importance of human and civil rights for people to live together in a democratic society
- Understand contemporary social, political, and economic issues in a local and global context
- Identify the historical, social, cultural, political, economic, and natural events that affect the development of the quality of life in the present day
- Evaluate the interaction and interdependence of these events in a local, national, regional, and global framework
- Acknowledge the political, cultural, environmental, social, and economic effects of globalization
- Contribute to the formulate and implementation of policies and processes that contribute to the solution of socioeconomic problems at the local and global level
- Demonstrate respect for human diversity in all its dimensions
- Appreciate the human being in its unique and magnificent complexity and diversity
- Recognize and appreciate the diversity of foreign cultural contributions in the formation and evolution of contemporary Puerto Rican society
- Know and put into practice the antidiscriminatory policies at the University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican and U.S. laws, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Acknowledge and embrace the idea that there should not be discriminatory practices based on factors such as race, color, sex, birth origin, age, social origin or condition, ancestry, marital status, religious or political ideas or beliefs, gender, sexual preference, nationality, ethnic origin, Armed Forces veteran status, or physical incapacity [Certification Number 58 (2004-2005) of the UPR Board of Trustees]
- Develop an appreciation for the humanities, the arts, and the sciences
- Appreciate the historical influences of the humanities, the arts, and the sciences and how these disciplines contribute to contemporary cultural and social changes
- Understand philosophical differences and how these affect both the arts and the sciences
- Understand the importance of creativity in all its forms and disciplines, and how it is crucial in the life of human beings
- Recognize the relevance of the humanities, the arts, and the sciences as academic disciplines, as well as the interactions that exist among them
- Be committed to improve the quality of life at both the personal and the community level
- Reflect on what constitutes the quality of life in areas such as physical, mental, economic, and social health
- Adopt and promote healthy attitudes and practices, at both personal and community levels, that contribute to the quality of life
- Identify the social and environmental problems faced by their community
- Evaluate the individual, community, and governmental resources to deal with social and environmental problems
- Participate in efforts to solve community problems that improve the quality of life
- Engage in teamwork
- Prepare themselves before a group meeting to contribute adequately
- Participate actively in meetings and activities that require teamwork
- Complete any task assigned individually or collectively when working in a team
- Promote the motivation, learning, and success of all team members
- Become involved in periodic evaluations of their team to determine its success
- Engage in lifelong and multi/interdisciplinary learning
- Participate in activities and associations related to their discipline and other academic areas
- Work or participate in multi/interdisciplinary projects
- Participate in workshops in order to pursue academic development
- Collaborate actively with their department after graduation in the organization of professional activities for alumni