Being a vanguard faculty, recognized for its high standards, which actively contributes to the social and economic development of the local and international community through the search and implementation of new knowledge.
Provide an excellent service to Puerto Rico and the world:
Forming educated citizens, capable of critical thinking and professionally prepared in the arts and sciences so that they can contribute in an educational, cultural, social, technological and economic development.
Perform creative work, of research and service, that meets the needs of society and divulge the results of these activities so they can be accessible for everyone.
Provide our students with the necessary skill and sensitivity, to effectively solve the problems we face and be an example of the values and attitudes that must prevail in a democratic society that values and respects diversity.
- Being at the vanguard of higher education in Puerto Rico, guaranteeing that our students receive the best education.
- Strengthen creative work, research and its divulgation.
- Developing a robust planning process.
- Implementing agile and efficient processes.
- Incrementing sources of income. C
- Contributing to the sustainable economic development of the country through science, arts, technology, and mathematics.
Plan Estratégico de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias (2012-2022)