H3 Conference 2015
This weekend I spent it between Hackers, Hustlers, and Hipsters in the H3 Conference. This is a conference started in Puerto Rico and expanding to other parts of the world, which aims to join the three H’s for the sake of innovation and entrepreneurship. The idea behind the conference is that successful entrepreneurial teams have a technology guru (Hacker), a design guru (Hipster), and a business guru (Hustler). These gurus often don’t talk to each other because they live and work in different circles and the conference serves as a place for them to meet and exchange ideas.
This was the first time I attended this conference and my first struggle was to label myself with one of the H’s. I am a Mechanical Engineer, which works mostly with design, so I was undecided between Hacker and Hipster. The flip of a coin decided for me to label myself a Hacker, however many people in the conference label myself as a hipster. I guess I’m one of those that are more than one H.
During the conference, I attended sessions dedicated to the Business Model Canvas, Product Market Fit, Ida to MVP, Facebook marketing, entrepreneurship in education, and the Puerto Rican Start-up community. The part that I liked the most was the interaction with the people. A substantial group part of the Pathways to Innovation, University Innovation Fellows, and students from #TNVDE attended the event. Emmanuel Oquendo, one of our UIF’s, gave a talk titled “How Students Are Hacking Education to Propel Entrepreneurship”.
After the conference I felt recharged to continue the innovation and entrepreneurial activities that I am part of in the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. The conference confirmed my observation that “There is a lot of human potential in Puerto Rico to innovate here and to the outside world”.
Source: NVDE Jose Luego Blog Posts