Ten core UPRM TPP teacher candidate proficiencies. [Alignment to standards 1.1.1a]

1. Content knowledge

Understand the central concepts, fundamental structure, and principal inquiry tools of their discipline in a way that enables them to design and present learning experiences that make these aspects of the subject matter evident and meaningful to students. Encourage them to pursue deeper disciplinary knowledge, technology or other area.


2. Pedagogical content knowledge

Develop a solid pedagogical content knowledge and an understanding of a broad variety of active methodologies in order to design, modify, and deliver instruction that leads learners to meet curricular goals that lead students to learn.


3. Human development and learning

Understand how children learn and develop so they can provide opportunities to support their intellectual, social, and personal development promoting the integration of knowledge in all its manifestations. Savvy consumers of evidence-based research to identify and adopt effective strategies for developing academic proficiency.


4. Reflexive, creative, critical thinking

Practice reflexive, creative, critical thinking and are able to make these processes visible to students and thereby contribute to the formation of reflexive, creative, critical thinking individuals who value, practice, and develop these processes throughout their lives.


5. Exhibit comprehensive formation

communication leadership skills – Contribute to the comprehensive formation of individuals by developing their intellectual, emotional, and psychological abilities and their communication and leadership skills, as well as esthetical and ethical values. To use effective verbal – nonverbal communication and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction among students.


6. Demonstrate community building skills

Foster effective professional relationships with colleagues, parents, and educational stakeholders in the surrounding community in order to support learning and well-being in a manner that encourages students to develop ethical, civic, moral and esthetic values in harmony with their individual and collective needs contributing to a culture of peace.


7. Assessment

Monitor student learning progress through formal and informal assessment strategies in order to design, modify, and deliver learning experiences that contribute to the continuous growth of each learner. To evaluate assessment results to improve their own teaching effectiveness.


8. Caring dispositions

Confront new challenges, social as well as educational, in a way that (Confidential) Page 2 contributes to improving the quality of life in PR and the world. Who can establish and sustain a positive, safe learning environment in which interpersonal relationships furnish the stability, trust, and caring that support learners’ sense of belonging, self-respect and self-acceptance as well as the security to make mistakes and learn from them.


9. Sensitivity to diversity

Recognize, understand, and value a diversity of learning styles, intelligences, and talents as well as the diversity of social, economic, and cultural experiences. Enable them to create a learning environment in which all students regardless of their race, color, religion, gender or sexual orientation, linguistic ability, ethnic or geographical origin feel secure. That recognizes and responds to the diversity of learners with varied learning opportunities that promote the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills of each learner.


10. Demonstrate reflective practice

Reflect on the effectiveness of their classroom practices in order to identify areas for improvement. Develop commitment to shared professional life long learning that improves classroom practice in order to provide students the skills to meet the technological, educational, scientific, social, and cultural demands of the working world.



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