Obando, J., Pando, M., Godoy, L y Acosta, F.Assesment at the Macro and Micro Level of the higrothermal degradation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Materials . Proceeding of the ASME International Mechanical Eng. Congress & Exposition (IMECE2009) .2009
R. Contreras, C. Huerta, J. Martinez-Cruzado, B. Gaherty y J. CollinsSoil Characterization and site response of marine and continetal environments . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada .2009
R. Tapia, C. Huerta, J. Martinz-CruzadoSite Characterization in the Urban area of Tijuana, B.C., Mexico by Means of : H/V spectral ratios, spectral analysis of surface waves, and random decrement method . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada .2009
S. Hwang, I. Padilla, I. Feliciano y J. FalcónTransport and distribution of TNT an DNT in the presence of surface vegetation with Fimbristyles cymosa . Proc. Of SPIE on Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Obj. and Obscured Targets XIV. Vol. 7303 .2009
S. Hwang, V. HernándezManufactured coal ash aggregates for aqueous TNT sorption . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products .2009
M. Ruiz y M. PandoLoad transfer mechanisms of Post-grounted drilled shafts in Sand. Geotechnical Special Publication NO. 185 pp. 23-31.2009
P. King, A. Fernández y M. Pando Post Grouted Drilled Shafts - A Comprehesive Case History for Texas . Geotechnical Special Publication NO. 185 ASCE pp 31-38 .2009
Luis Aponte-Bermúdeza, Kurtis Gurleyb, David Prevattc, Timothy ReinholddFull and model-scale hurricane wind pressures on low-rise structures: Call for a joint study . Workshop de la AAWE, Denver, Colorado .2008
Ed.: F. Acosta, M. Pando & L. SuarezDevelopments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 23. University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, PR, pp. 781.2007
Felipe Luyanda-VillafanePublic Transportation in the New Milennium. Editorial Eliyan, Mayaguez, PR. ISBN 0-9753270-0-3.2004
L. A. Godoy, Taylor and FrancisTheory of Elastic Stability: Analysis and Sensitivity. Philadelphia, PA, 434 pp. ISBN 1-56032-857-6.2000
L. A. Godoy, Taylor and FrancisSolution Manual, Theory of Elastic Stability. PA, 156 pp., ISBN 1-56032-834-7.2000
José F. LluchGerencia e Ingeniería de Construcción. Editorial Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan.1996
L. A. GodoyThin Walled Structures with Structural Imperfections: Analysis and Behavior. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K., 404 pp., ISBN 0-08-042266-7.1996
Obando, J., Pando, M., Godoy, L y Acosta, F.State-of-Practice on the Dynamic Response of
Structures Strengthened with Fiber Reinforced
Polymers (FRPs)
Yan DengNano Based Zero-Valent Iron as Remediation Materials: Reaction Mechanisms and Engineering Implications . Intitute of Functional Nanomaterials at the Universtiy of Puerto Rico en Rio Piedras, PR.2009
Benjamín ColucciDécada de Acción para la Seguridad Vial 2011-2020 . Convención Annual y Expo del CIAPR, 25 al 27 de agosto de 2011, Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.2011
Dr. Felipe Luyanda Villafañe“The Role of the Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center in the Enhancement of Engineering Education” . Novena Conferencia LACCEI 2011. Medellín, Colombia, ISBN #: 0-9822896-4-2.2011
Gabriel Román Valentin"Effectiveness of a Bioswale used for Stormwater Treatment - A Field and Modeling Study" . Conferencia de la Sociedad Hispánica de Ing. Profesionales (SHPE) en Anaheim, CA2011
Hwang, S., Latorre, I., Irizarry, E.“Cordyline fruticosa Growth and Soil Microbial Quality with Topical Application of Coal Combustion Byproducts Aggregates” . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products (under review)2011
Jean Batista- Abreu, Luis A. GodoyPlaying with Fire: An On-line Active Learning Module to Teach Structural Behavior under Fire . International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologie, Barcelona .2011
Latorre, I., Hwang, S., Montalvo, R."PVC biodeterioration by landfill bacteria capable of using di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate as the sole carbon source" . Superfund Research Program Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY . 2011.2011
Luis A. GodoyPost-buckling behavior of vertical sandwich cylinders embedded in soil . International Conference Thuin Walled Structures, Timisoara, Romania .2011
Luis A. Godoy y Nora ValeirasDevelopment of an instrument to evaluate students perspectives on Structural Failures . ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada .2011
Luis Zapata, Omar Molina y Genock PortelaRheological behavior between Portland cement type I and commercial silica fume . 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Palacio de Congreso de Madrid, Espa`na .2011
Omar Molina, Amparo Moragues, Jaime Galvez y Ana GuerreroInfluence of cement properties in the reaction rate and mechanical behavior of concrete with high fly ash content . 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Palacio de Congresos de Madrid, España .2011
Felipe Luyanda, Benjamín Colucci“The Role of the Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center in the Enhancement of Engineering Education” . Novena Conferencia LACCEI 2011, 3-5 de agosto de 2011, Medellín, Colombia . 2011
B. Colucci y J. CardonaMotrocycle Operation Practices and Rider Attitudes Toward Safety in Puerto Rico . Conf. Annual del Transportation Research Board y Transportation Research Record en Washington, D.C. 2010
B. Colucci y J. CardonaStated Attitudes, Observed Highway Behavior and Safety Perception of Motorcycle Riders in Puerto Rico . Simposio Internacional en Diseño Geométrico de Carreteras en Valencia, España.2010
S. Hwang, I. Hernández, I, Latorre y S. RosadoPhaselous vulgaris growth under the influence of manufactured coal ash aggregates . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products. 2, pp 38-442010
S. Hwang, I. LatorreImpact of Manufactured Coal Ash Aggregates on Water Quality during Open Pit Restoratio: A Statistical screening test . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products .2010
S. Park, W. Hassan, J. Moehle, K. Mosalam y R. LópezSeismic Response of Older Reinforced Concrete Corner Joints . 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conf. on Earthquake Eng: Toronto.2010
A. Borges, R. López, L. Godoy, R. ZapataImpact of Windborne Debris on Storm Shutters . Proc. 11th Americas Conference on Wind Eng., SJU, PR .2009
A. Poitevin, B. Natalini, L. GodoyWind pressure in canopies with parapets . Proc. 11th Americas Conference on Wind Eng, SJU, PR2009
C. Huerta, F. Upegui y J. Martinez - CruzadoIdentification of Temporal spectral attributes of seismic records by means of joint time-frequency spectral decomposition . 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA .2009
C. Huerta, M. Pando, L. Suárez R. Ritta y J. Martinez-CruzadoShallow Soil Layers Fundamental Vibration Mode: A Comparison of Estimations Obtained with the Random Decrement Method and H/V Spectral Ratios Using Weak and Moderate Seismic Ground Motion . Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Cánada (NC 23B-01) .2009
C. Huerta, M. Pando, M. Suárez. L. Ritta y J. Martinez -CruzadoShallow soil layers fundamental vibration mode. A comparison of Estimations Obtained with the random decrement method and H/V spectral ratios using weak and moderate seismic ground motions . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.2009
D. Váldes y GómezEmpleo de Imágenes de Video para Conteos automáticos de vehículos en intersecciones . LACCEI 2009.2009
D. Váldes y GómezDetection Technologies for Dynamic Origin - Destination Matrices and Heavy Vehicles Road Selection Studies . LACCEI 2009 .2009
D. Váldes, E. Jaramillo, Ferrer y FreyCase Analysis: a tool fo teaching research ethics in science and engineering for graduate students . Proc. ASEE Annual Conf and Exposition in Austin, TX. Paper AC 2009-2183 . 2009
D. Váldes, I. Pagán, R. López y R. VictoriaEnergy and Technology for the Americas: Education, Innovation, Technology and Practice . LACCEI 2009, San Cristobal, Venezuela .2009
D. Váldes, I. Pagán, R. López y R. Victoría .Tropical Storm Impact on Infraestructure: The Case of Tropical Storm in Dominican Republic . Proceeding of Seventh LACCEI.2009
F. Díaz, R. Sánchez, F. Espinoza y C. HuertaEfectos de Interacción Suelo-Estructuras en el Análisis Sismico de un Edificio en Ensenada . Memorias del XVII Congreso Nacional de Ing. Sísmica Puebla México. CD Proc. Paper III-02, pp1-20.2009
F. Upegui, C. Huerta, J. Caro y J. Martinez-Cruzado.Site Characterization using linear SPAC Array and H/V Spectral Ratios; Study Case at Experimental Sites at The University of Puerto Rico at May . Memorias del XVIII congreso Nacional del Ing. Sísmica. CD Proc. Paper I-07, pp 1-13 .2009
H. Song, C. Huerta, J. Martinez-Cruzado y H Rodriguez .Random Decrement method and modeling H/V Spectral Ratios: An Application for Soft Shallow Layers Characterization . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada .2009
J. Obando, M. Pando, L. Godoy y F. Acosta.Assessment at the macro and micho level of the hydrothermal degradation of glass fiber Reinforced polymer materials . Proc. Of the ASME Int. Mechanical Eng. Congress & Exposition.2009
José F. LluchBuilding Information Modeling . Conferencia Internacional de Computación en Ing. Civil en la Universidad de Austin, TX .2009
K. Steele e I. Padilla .Assessment fo Potential Exposure Pathways in Karst Groundwater Systems in Vega for Eng. And Technology . LACCEI 2009.2009
L. Cano, H. Monsalve y J. Martinez-Cruzado .A New Algorithm for Structural Damage Detection Using Time Frequency Analysis of Strong Motion Output Signals . IV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica en Pereira, Colombia .2009
L. GodoyDeveloping a Computer-Based Simulated Enviroment to Learn on Structural Failures . ASEE Annual Conf. Austin, TX2009
L. GodoyOn the origins of elastic stability studies before the XVIII Century . Proc. Symposium on Stability, Structural Reliability and Random vibrations in honor of Prof. Isaac Elishakoff, ASME.2009
Luis D. Aponte, P. Vega-Behan, Forrest J. Masters, Kurtis Guley.FCMP Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Measurements database: Revisiting the Roughness Coefficients and Turbulent Intensities . Conferencia 11th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (11ACWE), San Juan .2009
Obando, J., Pando, M., Godoy, L y Acosta, F. .Assesment at the Macro and Micro Level of the higrothermal degradation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Materials . Proceeding of the ASME International Mechanical Eng. Congress & Exposition (IMECE2009).2009
R. Contreras, C. Huerta, J. Martinez-Cruzado, B. Gaherty y J. Collins .Soil Characterization and site response of marine and continetal environments . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.2009
R. Tapia, C. Huerta, J. Martinz-Cruzado .Site Characterization in the Urban area of Tijuana, B.C., Mexico by Means of : H/V spectral ratios, spectral analysis of surface waves, and random decrement method . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.2009
S. Hwang, I. Padilla, I. Feliciano y J. Falcón .Transport and distribution of TNT an DNT in the presence of surface vegetation with Fimbristyles cymosa . Proc. Of SPIE on Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Obj. and Obscured Targets XIV. Vol. 7303.2009
S. Hwang, V. Hernández .Manufactured coal ash aggregates for aqueous TNT sorption . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products.2009
Luis Aponte-Bermúdeza, Kurtis Gurleyb, David Prevattc, Timothy Reinholdd .Full and model-scale hurricane wind pressures on low-rise structures: Call for a joint study . Workshop de la AAWE, Denver, Colorado . 20082008
Luis E. SuárezDinámica de Suelos y Cimentaciones . Dept. Ing. Civil de la Pontifica Univ. Católica Madre y Maestra en Santiago de los Caballeros, Rep. Dom.2011
J. Martinez- CruzadoPoster on Accelerometric data exchange and archiving of the PR Strong Motion Program . Ankara, Turquia .2009
M. Pando, C. Huerta y J. Martinez - CruzadoRecent and current earthquake hazard reduction research at the PR Strong Motion Program . PosterPresented at USGS- Central and Eastern US 2009 Annual Conference2009
M. Pando, J. Martinez-Cruzado, C. Huerta, L. SuárezPoster on Recent and Current Earthquake hazard reduction research at the PR Strong Motion Program . 2009 EHP CEUS-USGS meeting at Memphis, TN.2009
Huling S., Hwang S., Fine D., Ko S.“Fenton-like Initiation of a Toluene Transformation Mechanism” . Water Research, 45: 5334-5342 .2011
Hwang S., Martinez D., Perez P., Rinaldi C.“Effect of surfactant-coated iron oxide nanoparticles on the effluent water quality from a simulated sequencing batch reactor treating domestic wastewater” . Environmental Pollution (accepted, in press) .2011
Latorre I., Hwang S., Montalvo R.“Isolation and Molecular Identification of Landfill Bacteria Capable of Using Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate as the Sole Carbon Source” . Environmental Chemistry Letters (under review) .2011
Latorre, I., Hwang, S., Sevillano, M. Montalvo, R.“PVC Biodeterioration and DEHP Leaching by DEHP-degrading Bacteria” . International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation .2011
Luis A. Godoy.Introducing Engineering Students to Historical/ Cultural Perspectives through Story- Centered On-Line Learning . Journal of Creative Education.2011
Luis A. Godoy, Victoria Mondragón, Miguel Pando, Felipe Acosta .Stress Redistributions in Unit Cells of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites with Interface Degradation . Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor and Francis).2011
Chu. W. , N. Gao, and Y. Deng .Formation of Haloacetamides during chlorinationof Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Aspartic Acid . Journal of Hazardous Materials, 173 (1-3), pp. 82-86.2010
He, G., V. Engel, L. Leonard, A. Croft, D. Childers, M. Laas, Y. Deng, and H. M. Solo-Gabriele .“Factors Controlling Surface Water Flow in a Low-Gradient Subtropical Wetland . Wetlands, 30, pp. 275-286.
S. Hwang, S. Huling, S.Ko .Fenton-like Degradation of MTBE: Effects of Iron Counter Anion and radical scavengers . Chemosphere. 78(5) 563-568.2010
Chu, W., N. Gao, and Yang Deng .“Oxidation Performance of DCAA in Drinking Water with Combination Process of UV/H2O2/Micro-Aeration” . “CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238.”2009
A. Ramirez, J. Aguirre y C. Huerta .Tecomán Earthquake: Physical Implications of Seismic Source Modeling Applying Empirical Green’s Function Method, and Evidence of Nonlinear Behavior of Ground . Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) Journal of Earthquake Technology. ISET/07/13, 08/28/2009.2009
C. Huerta, D. Salvador, M. Esparza, F. Espinoza, R. Contreras, Y. Baltazar .Frecuencias de Vibración Teórica y Experimental de un Edificio de Nueve Niveles Localizado en la Vecindad de la Zona Rio de Tijuana, B.C., México . Revista Interanacional de Desastres Naturales. ISSN 1535-0088/ ISSN 1936-1483 9,1, pp 97-114.2009
Chu, W. N. Gao and Y. Deng .Stability of Newfound Nitrogenous Disinfection by products Haloacetamides in drinking water . Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 29 (10), pp.1569-1574.2009
Chu, W., N. Gao, and Y. Deng .Formation of Haloacetamides during Chlorination of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Aspartic Acid . Journal of Hazardous Materials.2009
Chu, W., N. Gao, Y. Deng, B. Bong . Formation of Chloroform during Chlorination of Alanine in Drinking Water . Chemosphere, 77 (10), pp. 1346-1351.2009
H. Rodríguez, L. Quntanar y C. Huerta .Source Parameters and Stress Principal Axes of MW 5.8, July 30 2006 Gulf California Earthquake: Comparison with Moderate Magnitude Earthquake Occurred in the GoC From 1964-2006 . Geofísica Internaciaonal. ISSN 0016-7169.2009
He, G., V. Engel, L. Leonard., A. Croft, D. Childers, M. Laas, Y. Deng and H.M. Solo-Gabriele .Factors Controlling Surface Water Flow in a Low-Gradient Subtropical Wetland . Wetlands.2009
I. Cruzado .Factors affecting driver speed choice along two -lane rural highway transition zones . Revista de Ing. En Transportación de ASCE. MS TEENG-428R1.2009
I. Cruzado y E. Donnell .Evaluating effectiveness of dynamics speed display signs in transition zones of two-lane rural highway in Pennsylvania . Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. NO. 2122 pp 1-8.2009
J. Agudelo, R. López .Curvas de fragilidad para estructuras de porticos de homigón armado con paredes de mampostería. . Revista Interanacional de Desastres Naturales.2009
J. Batista y L. Godoy .Investigación de causas de explosivos en plantas petrolíferas: El accidente de Buncefield . Revista Internacional de desastres naturales. Vol. 9(1-2) pp 187-202.2009
J. Gutierrez, I. Padilla y L. Sánchez .Influence of the Burial of Landmines on Transport of Explosive Chemiclas in Gramular Soils, . Revista Facultad de Ing. Univ. de Antioquia (ISSN 0120-6230).2009
J. Virella y L. Godoy .Dynamic response and buckling of empty steel tanks with dome roof under vertical base motion . Steel An Composite Structure, Vol. 9(2), pp439-450 (ISSN 1229-9367).2009
L, N., N. Gao, Y. Deng and Q. Li .Nitrite Formation during Low Pressure Ultraviolet Lamp Irradiation of Nitrate . Water Science and Technology.2009
L. Godoy .Una revista del programa de investigación sobre aprendizaje activo en un ambiente simulado desde la perspectiva de la educación en Ingeniería . Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Eng. Education. Vol. 3 (2).2009
N. Nadal, R. Zapta, I. Pagán, R. López, J. Agudelo .Building damage due to Riverine and Coastal Floods . ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.2009
O. Molina, A. Moragues y J. Gálves La influencia del cemento portland en las propiedades mecánicas, permeabilidad y estructura porosa de los hormigones con cenizas volantes . Revista Int. de Desastres Naturales Vol. 9 (1) 2.2009
R. Castro, C. Huerta, O. Romero, C. Jacques, A. Hurtado y A. Fernández .Body -wave attenuation near the rupture of the 1887 Sonora, Mexico, Earthquake . Geofísica Internacional. ISSN 0016-7169 48,3, pp 297-304.2009
S. Hwang and S. Huling .Iron amendment and Fenton oxidation of MTBE-Spent Granular Activated Carbon . Journal of the International Water Association.2009
Y. Deng .Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for Reduction of Organics in mature landfill leachates: A Review . International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Special Issue on Landfill Leachate Management and Control, 4(3-4), pp. 366-384.2009
Y. Deng & J. Englehardt .Kinetics and Oxidative Mechanism of Hydrogen Peroxide-Enhanced Iron Mediated Aeration (IMA) Treatment of Recalcitrant Organic Compounds in Mature Landfill Leachate . Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009, 169 (1-3), PP. 370-375.2009
Y. Deng, E. Rosario Muñiz, and X. Ma Effects of Inorganic Anions on Fenton Oxidation of Landfill Leachate . Enviromental Science & Technology.2009
Yang Deng (in press) .“Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for Reduction of Organics in Mature Landfill Leachates . International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Special Issue on Landfill Leachate Management and Control, Inderscience Publishers.2009
Deng, Y., and J. Englehardt .“Kinetics and Oxidative Mechanism for H2O2-Enhanced Iron-Mediated Aeration (IMA) Treatment of High Strength Recalcitrant Organic Wastewater” . Journal of Hazardous Materials.2008
Gao, N., Y. Deng, and D. Zhao.“Ametryn Degradation in the Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation/Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Treatment” . Journal of Hazardous Materials.2008
Ortega, C., H. M. Solo- Gabriele, A. Abdelzaher, M. Wright, Yang Deng, L. M. Stark .Pathogen Measurements in the St. Lucie River Estuary . Submitted Paper to Water Research.2008
P. Kohan, D. Wendichansky, L. Suárez .Experimental Study of New Seismic Protective Devices for Low-Rise Steel Buildings . Journal of Earthquake Engineering (sometido el 2 de sept. de 2008).2008
Sangchul Hwang, Soonnam Lee, Scott G. Huling .Effect of Counter-Ion Special of Iron on MTBE Fenton-like Degradation . Environmental Technology.2008
Y. Deng, H. Solo, M. Laas, D. Childrens .Impacts of Hurricane Katrina and Wilma on Water Flow within Everglades National Park . Journal of Hydrology.2008
Zhou, J. P., N. Y. Gao, Y. Deng, and G. Y. Deng .Removal of Organic Pollutants in Raw Water of the Huangpu River Upstream by Ultrafiltration and Nanofiltration Membranes . Journal of Environmental Sciences.2008
Hwang, S., Martinez, D., Perez, P., Rinaldi, C.“Presence of iron oxide nanoparticles in wastewater disinfection” . 2011 IUPAC, San Juan, PR, Jul 30-Aug 5, 2011.2011
Escobar, Z., Hwang, S.“Waste-To-Resource: Characteristics of landfill leachate in different hydrological sequences with coal combustion byproducts aggregates as an alternative reactive daily cover” . 2011 IUPAC, San Juan, PR, Jul 30-Aug 5, 2011 .2011
Luis GodoyThermal Buckling and Failure of Steel Tanks Under Fire . Universidad de North Carolina, Charlotte .2011
Martinez, D., Pérez, P., Hwang, S., Rinaldi, C.Stability and Effect of Engineered Nanoparticles on a Biological Wastewater Treatment Process . NSF Site Visit to Wi (PR) 2EM, Mayaguez, PR .2011
Miguel PandoConferencia: "Licuación de Suelos" . EERI - Civil.2011
Torres, P., Hwang, S. “Waste-To-Resource: Applicability of coal ash concrete for freshwater quality enhancement” . 2011 IUPAC, San Juan, PR, Jul 30-Aug 5, 2011 .2011
Benjamín ColucciSeguridad en Carreteras . Summer Transportation Institute Mayaguez, PR .2011
Benjamín Colucci“Making Every Day Counts in Puerto Rico” . National LTAP/TTAP Annual Meeting, 1-5 de agosto de 2011, Boston, Massachusetts .2011
E. De La RosaForensic Surveying: Essential in a Precise Reconstruction . COPIMERA 2011 .2011
E. De La RosaMujer Agrimensora Elemento de Innovación . 4to Conversatorio de Mujeres Ing. Y Agrimensoras de PR, SJU, PR .2010
A. FigueroaEstrategias Innovadora para un Desarrollo Sustentable en la Infraestructura de Transportación . Simposio en Honor al Cuadragésimo Aniversario del Dia del Planeta Tierra.2010
A. Figueroa y C. Calero Factores de calidad de servicios para sitemas especiales de transporte colectivo: El Caso de los carros públicos en PR . XVI Congreso Latino Americano de Transporte Público y Urbano .2010
A. Figueroa, M. Alegría y D. VáldesA Simplified Methodology for the evaluation of pedestrian safety in urban school zone . Conferencia Técnia 2010 del Inst. De Ing. De Transportación .2010
K. Gurley y L. AponteHurricane winds on low-rise buildings: full-scale measurement and scale model comparisons . International Workshop on Wind Eng. Research and Practice. Chapel Hill, NC, USA .2010
V. Uribe y A. FigueroaEvaluación de las medidas de la demanda de viajes para reducir el flujo de tráfico en el Viejo SJU, PR . XVI Congreso Latino Americano de Transporte Público y Urbano .2010
Yang Deng (invited presenter)"Activation of Molecular Oxygen by Elemental Iron: Mechanisms and Engineering Implications" . "School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai, China" .2008
Obando, J., Pando, M., Godoy, L y Acosta, F.Assesment at the Macro and Micro Level of the higrothermal degradation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Materials . Proceeding of the ASME International Mechanical Eng. Congress & Exposition (IMECE2009) .2009
R. Contreras, C. Huerta, J. Martinez-Cruzado, B. Gaherty y J. CollinsSoil Characterization and site response of marine and continetal environments . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada .2009
R. Tapia, C. Huerta, J. Martinz-CruzadoSite Characterization in the Urban area of Tijuana, B.C., Mexico by Means of : H/V spectral ratios, spectral analysis of surface waves, and random decrement method . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada .2009
S. Hwang, I. Padilla, I. Feliciano y J. FalcónTransport and distribution of TNT an DNT in the presence of surface vegetation with Fimbristyles cymosa . Proc. Of SPIE on Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Obj. and Obscured Targets XIV. Vol. 7303 .2009
S. Hwang, V. HernándezManufactured coal ash aggregates for aqueous TNT sorption . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products .2009
M. Ruiz y M. PandoLoad transfer mechanisms of Post-grounted drilled shafts in Sand. Geotechnical Special Publication NO. 185 pp. 23-31.2009
P. King, A. Fernández y M. Pando Post Grouted Drilled Shafts - A Comprehesive Case History for Texas . Geotechnical Special Publication NO. 185 ASCE pp 31-38 .2009
Luis Aponte-Bermúdeza, Kurtis Gurleyb, David Prevattc, Timothy ReinholddFull and model-scale hurricane wind pressures on low-rise structures: Call for a joint study . Workshop de la AAWE, Denver, Colorado .2008
Ed.: F. Acosta, M. Pando & L. SuarezDevelopments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 23. University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, PR, pp. 781.2007
Felipe Luyanda-VillafanePublic Transportation in the New Milennium. Editorial Eliyan, Mayaguez, PR. ISBN 0-9753270-0-3.2004
L. A. Godoy, Taylor and FrancisTheory of Elastic Stability: Analysis and Sensitivity. Philadelphia, PA, 434 pp. ISBN 1-56032-857-6.2000
L. A. Godoy, Taylor and FrancisSolution Manual, Theory of Elastic Stability. PA, 156 pp., ISBN 1-56032-834-7.2000
José F. LluchGerencia e Ingeniería de Construcción. Editorial Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan.1996
L. A. GodoyThin Walled Structures with Structural Imperfections: Analysis and Behavior. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K., 404 pp., ISBN 0-08-042266-7.1996
Obando, J., Pando, M., Godoy, L y Acosta, F.State-of-Practice on the Dynamic Response of
Structures Strengthened with Fiber Reinforced
Polymers (FRPs)
Yan DengNano Based Zero-Valent Iron as Remediation Materials: Reaction Mechanisms and Engineering Implications . Intitute of Functional Nanomaterials at the Universtiy of Puerto Rico en Rio Piedras, PR.2009
Benjamín ColucciDécada de Acción para la Seguridad Vial 2011-2020 . Convención Annual y Expo del CIAPR, 25 al 27 de agosto de 2011, Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.2011
Dr. Felipe Luyanda Villafañe“The Role of the Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center in the Enhancement of Engineering Education” . Novena Conferencia LACCEI 2011. Medellín, Colombia, ISBN #: 0-9822896-4-2.2011
Gabriel Román Valentin"Effectiveness of a Bioswale used for Stormwater Treatment - A Field and Modeling Study" . Conferencia de la Sociedad Hispánica de Ing. Profesionales (SHPE) en Anaheim, CA2011
Hwang, S., Latorre, I., Irizarry, E.“Cordyline fruticosa Growth and Soil Microbial Quality with Topical Application of Coal Combustion Byproducts Aggregates” . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products (under review)2011
Jean Batista- Abreu, Luis A. GodoyPlaying with Fire: An On-line Active Learning Module to Teach Structural Behavior under Fire . International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologie, Barcelona .2011
Latorre, I., Hwang, S., Montalvo, R."PVC biodeterioration by landfill bacteria capable of using di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate as the sole carbon source" . Superfund Research Program Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY . 2011.2011
Luis A. GodoyPost-buckling behavior of vertical sandwich cylinders embedded in soil . International Conference Thuin Walled Structures, Timisoara, Romania .2011
Luis A. Godoy y Nora ValeirasDevelopment of an instrument to evaluate students perspectives on Structural Failures . ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada .2011
Luis Zapata, Omar Molina y Genock PortelaRheological behavior between Portland cement type I and commercial silica fume . 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Palacio de Congreso de Madrid, Espa`na .2011
Omar Molina, Amparo Moragues, Jaime Galvez y Ana GuerreroInfluence of cement properties in the reaction rate and mechanical behavior of concrete with high fly ash content . 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Palacio de Congresos de Madrid, España .2011
Felipe Luyanda, Benjamín Colucci“The Role of the Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center in the Enhancement of Engineering Education” . Novena Conferencia LACCEI 2011, 3-5 de agosto de 2011, Medellín, Colombia . 2011
B. Colucci y J. CardonaMotrocycle Operation Practices and Rider Attitudes Toward Safety in Puerto Rico . Conf. Annual del Transportation Research Board y Transportation Research Record en Washington, D.C. 2010
B. Colucci y J. CardonaStated Attitudes, Observed Highway Behavior and Safety Perception of Motorcycle Riders in Puerto Rico . Simposio Internacional en Diseño Geométrico de Carreteras en Valencia, España.2010
S. Hwang, I. Hernández, I, Latorre y S. RosadoPhaselous vulgaris growth under the influence of manufactured coal ash aggregates . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products. 2, pp 38-442010
S. Hwang, I. LatorreImpact of Manufactured Coal Ash Aggregates on Water Quality during Open Pit Restoratio: A Statistical screening test . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products .2010
S. Park, W. Hassan, J. Moehle, K. Mosalam y R. LópezSeismic Response of Older Reinforced Concrete Corner Joints . 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conf. on Earthquake Eng: Toronto.2010
A. Borges, R. López, L. Godoy, R. ZapataImpact of Windborne Debris on Storm Shutters . Proc. 11th Americas Conference on Wind Eng., SJU, PR .2009
A. Poitevin, B. Natalini, L. GodoyWind pressure in canopies with parapets . Proc. 11th Americas Conference on Wind Eng, SJU, PR2009
C. Huerta, F. Upegui y J. Martinez - CruzadoIdentification of Temporal spectral attributes of seismic records by means of joint time-frequency spectral decomposition . 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA .2009
C. Huerta, M. Pando, L. Suárez R. Ritta y J. Martinez-CruzadoShallow Soil Layers Fundamental Vibration Mode: A Comparison of Estimations Obtained with the Random Decrement Method and H/V Spectral Ratios Using Weak and Moderate Seismic Ground Motion . Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Cánada (NC 23B-01) .2009
C. Huerta, M. Pando, M. Suárez. L. Ritta y J. Martinez -CruzadoShallow soil layers fundamental vibration mode. A comparison of Estimations Obtained with the random decrement method and H/V spectral ratios using weak and moderate seismic ground motions . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.2009
D. Váldes y GómezEmpleo de Imágenes de Video para Conteos automáticos de vehículos en intersecciones . LACCEI 2009.2009
D. Váldes y GómezDetection Technologies for Dynamic Origin - Destination Matrices and Heavy Vehicles Road Selection Studies . LACCEI 2009 .2009
D. Váldes, E. Jaramillo, Ferrer y FreyCase Analysis: a tool fo teaching research ethics in science and engineering for graduate students . Proc. ASEE Annual Conf and Exposition in Austin, TX. Paper AC 2009-2183 . 2009
D. Váldes, I. Pagán, R. López y R. VictoriaEnergy and Technology for the Americas: Education, Innovation, Technology and Practice . LACCEI 2009, San Cristobal, Venezuela .2009
D. Váldes, I. Pagán, R. López y R. Victoría .Tropical Storm Impact on Infraestructure: The Case of Tropical Storm in Dominican Republic . Proceeding of Seventh LACCEI.2009
F. Díaz, R. Sánchez, F. Espinoza y C. HuertaEfectos de Interacción Suelo-Estructuras en el Análisis Sismico de un Edificio en Ensenada . Memorias del XVII Congreso Nacional de Ing. Sísmica Puebla México. CD Proc. Paper III-02, pp1-20.2009
F. Upegui, C. Huerta, J. Caro y J. Martinez-Cruzado.Site Characterization using linear SPAC Array and H/V Spectral Ratios; Study Case at Experimental Sites at The University of Puerto Rico at May . Memorias del XVIII congreso Nacional del Ing. Sísmica. CD Proc. Paper I-07, pp 1-13 .2009
H. Song, C. Huerta, J. Martinez-Cruzado y H Rodriguez .Random Decrement method and modeling H/V Spectral Ratios: An Application for Soft Shallow Layers Characterization . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada .2009
J. Obando, M. Pando, L. Godoy y F. Acosta.Assessment at the macro and micho level of the hydrothermal degradation of glass fiber Reinforced polymer materials . Proc. Of the ASME Int. Mechanical Eng. Congress & Exposition.2009
José F. LluchBuilding Information Modeling . Conferencia Internacional de Computación en Ing. Civil en la Universidad de Austin, TX .2009
K. Steele e I. Padilla .Assessment fo Potential Exposure Pathways in Karst Groundwater Systems in Vega for Eng. And Technology . LACCEI 2009.2009
L. Cano, H. Monsalve y J. Martinez-Cruzado .A New Algorithm for Structural Damage Detection Using Time Frequency Analysis of Strong Motion Output Signals . IV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica en Pereira, Colombia .2009
L. GodoyDeveloping a Computer-Based Simulated Enviroment to Learn on Structural Failures . ASEE Annual Conf. Austin, TX2009
L. GodoyOn the origins of elastic stability studies before the XVIII Century . Proc. Symposium on Stability, Structural Reliability and Random vibrations in honor of Prof. Isaac Elishakoff, ASME.2009
Luis D. Aponte, P. Vega-Behan, Forrest J. Masters, Kurtis Guley.FCMP Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Measurements database: Revisiting the Roughness Coefficients and Turbulent Intensities . Conferencia 11th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (11ACWE), San Juan .2009
Obando, J., Pando, M., Godoy, L y Acosta, F. .Assesment at the Macro and Micro Level of the higrothermal degradation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Materials . Proceeding of the ASME International Mechanical Eng. Congress & Exposition (IMECE2009).2009
R. Contreras, C. Huerta, J. Martinez-Cruzado, B. Gaherty y J. Collins .Soil Characterization and site response of marine and continetal environments . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.2009
R. Tapia, C. Huerta, J. Martinz-Cruzado .Site Characterization in the Urban area of Tijuana, B.C., Mexico by Means of : H/V spectral ratios, spectral analysis of surface waves, and random decrement method . Meeting American Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.2009
S. Hwang, I. Padilla, I. Feliciano y J. Falcón .Transport and distribution of TNT an DNT in the presence of surface vegetation with Fimbristyles cymosa . Proc. Of SPIE on Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Obj. and Obscured Targets XIV. Vol. 7303.2009
S. Hwang, V. Hernández .Manufactured coal ash aggregates for aqueous TNT sorption . Coal Combustion and Gasification Products.2009
Luis Aponte-Bermúdeza, Kurtis Gurleyb, David Prevattc, Timothy Reinholdd .Full and model-scale hurricane wind pressures on low-rise structures: Call for a joint study . Workshop de la AAWE, Denver, Colorado . 20082008
Luis E. SuárezDinámica de Suelos y Cimentaciones . Dept. Ing. Civil de la Pontifica Univ. Católica Madre y Maestra en Santiago de los Caballeros, Rep. Dom.2011
J. Martinez- CruzadoPoster on Accelerometric data exchange and archiving of the PR Strong Motion Program . Ankara, Turquia .2009
M. Pando, C. Huerta y J. Martinez - CruzadoRecent and current earthquake hazard reduction research at the PR Strong Motion Program . PosterPresented at USGS- Central and Eastern US 2009 Annual Conference2009
M. Pando, J. Martinez-Cruzado, C. Huerta, L. SuárezPoster on Recent and Current Earthquake hazard reduction research at the PR Strong Motion Program . 2009 EHP CEUS-USGS meeting at Memphis, TN.2009
Huling S., Hwang S., Fine D., Ko S.“Fenton-like Initiation of a Toluene Transformation Mechanism” . Water Research, 45: 5334-5342 .2011
Hwang S., Martinez D., Perez P., Rinaldi C.“Effect of surfactant-coated iron oxide nanoparticles on the effluent water quality from a simulated sequencing batch reactor treating domestic wastewater” . Environmental Pollution (accepted, in press) .2011
Latorre I., Hwang S., Montalvo R.“Isolation and Molecular Identification of Landfill Bacteria Capable of Using Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate as the Sole Carbon Source” . Environmental Chemistry Letters (under review) .2011
Latorre, I., Hwang, S., Sevillano, M. Montalvo, R.“PVC Biodeterioration and DEHP Leaching by DEHP-degrading Bacteria” . International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation .2011
Luis A. Godoy.Introducing Engineering Students to Historical/ Cultural Perspectives through Story- Centered On-Line Learning . Journal of Creative Education.2011
Luis A. Godoy, Victoria Mondragón, Miguel Pando, Felipe Acosta .Stress Redistributions in Unit Cells of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites with Interface Degradation . Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor and Francis).2011
Chu. W. , N. Gao, and Y. Deng .Formation of Haloacetamides during chlorinationof Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Aspartic Acid . Journal of Hazardous Materials, 173 (1-3), pp. 82-86.2010
He, G., V. Engel, L. Leonard, A. Croft, D. Childers, M. Laas, Y. Deng, and H. M. Solo-Gabriele .“Factors Controlling Surface Water Flow in a Low-Gradient Subtropical Wetland . Wetlands, 30, pp. 275-286.
S. Hwang, S. Huling, S.Ko .Fenton-like Degradation of MTBE: Effects of Iron Counter Anion and radical scavengers . Chemosphere. 78(5) 563-568.2010
Chu, W., N. Gao, and Yang Deng .“Oxidation Performance of DCAA in Drinking Water with Combination Process of UV/H2O2/Micro-Aeration” . “CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 37(3), pp. 233-238.”2009
A. Ramirez, J. Aguirre y C. Huerta .Tecomán Earthquake: Physical Implications of Seismic Source Modeling Applying Empirical Green’s Function Method, and Evidence of Nonlinear Behavior of Ground . Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) Journal of Earthquake Technology. ISET/07/13, 08/28/2009.2009
C. Huerta, D. Salvador, M. Esparza, F. Espinoza, R. Contreras, Y. Baltazar .Frecuencias de Vibración Teórica y Experimental de un Edificio de Nueve Niveles Localizado en la Vecindad de la Zona Rio de Tijuana, B.C., México . Revista Interanacional de Desastres Naturales. ISSN 1535-0088/ ISSN 1936-1483 9,1, pp 97-114.2009
Chu, W. N. Gao and Y. Deng .Stability of Newfound Nitrogenous Disinfection by products Haloacetamides in drinking water . Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 29 (10), pp.1569-1574.2009
Chu, W., N. Gao, and Y. Deng .Formation of Haloacetamides during Chlorination of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Aspartic Acid . Journal of Hazardous Materials.2009
Chu, W., N. Gao, Y. Deng, B. Bong . Formation of Chloroform during Chlorination of Alanine in Drinking Water . Chemosphere, 77 (10), pp. 1346-1351.2009
H. Rodríguez, L. Quntanar y C. Huerta .Source Parameters and Stress Principal Axes of MW 5.8, July 30 2006 Gulf California Earthquake: Comparison with Moderate Magnitude Earthquake Occurred in the GoC From 1964-2006 . Geofísica Internaciaonal. ISSN 0016-7169.2009
He, G., V. Engel, L. Leonard., A. Croft, D. Childers, M. Laas, Y. Deng and H.M. Solo-Gabriele .Factors Controlling Surface Water Flow in a Low-Gradient Subtropical Wetland . Wetlands.2009
I. Cruzado .Factors affecting driver speed choice along two -lane rural highway transition zones . Revista de Ing. En Transportación de ASCE. MS TEENG-428R1.2009
I. Cruzado y E. Donnell .Evaluating effectiveness of dynamics speed display signs in transition zones of two-lane rural highway in Pennsylvania . Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. NO. 2122 pp 1-8.2009
J. Agudelo, R. López .Curvas de fragilidad para estructuras de porticos de homigón armado con paredes de mampostería. . Revista Interanacional de Desastres Naturales.2009
J. Batista y L. Godoy .Investigación de causas de explosivos en plantas petrolíferas: El accidente de Buncefield . Revista Internacional de desastres naturales. Vol. 9(1-2) pp 187-202.2009
J. Gutierrez, I. Padilla y L. Sánchez .Influence of the Burial of Landmines on Transport of Explosive Chemiclas in Gramular Soils, . Revista Facultad de Ing. Univ. de Antioquia (ISSN 0120-6230).2009
J. Virella y L. Godoy .Dynamic response and buckling of empty steel tanks with dome roof under vertical base motion . Steel An Composite Structure, Vol. 9(2), pp439-450 (ISSN 1229-9367).2009
L, N., N. Gao, Y. Deng and Q. Li .Nitrite Formation during Low Pressure Ultraviolet Lamp Irradiation of Nitrate . Water Science and Technology.2009
L. Godoy .Una revista del programa de investigación sobre aprendizaje activo en un ambiente simulado desde la perspectiva de la educación en Ingeniería . Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Eng. Education. Vol. 3 (2).2009
N. Nadal, R. Zapta, I. Pagán, R. López, J. Agudelo .Building damage due to Riverine and Coastal Floods . ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.2009
O. Molina, A. Moragues y J. Gálves La influencia del cemento portland en las propiedades mecánicas, permeabilidad y estructura porosa de los hormigones con cenizas volantes . Revista Int. de Desastres Naturales Vol. 9 (1) 2.2009
R. Castro, C. Huerta, O. Romero, C. Jacques, A. Hurtado y A. Fernández .Body -wave attenuation near the rupture of the 1887 Sonora, Mexico, Earthquake . Geofísica Internacional. ISSN 0016-7169 48,3, pp 297-304.2009
S. Hwang and S. Huling .Iron amendment and Fenton oxidation of MTBE-Spent Granular Activated Carbon . Journal of the International Water Association.2009
Y. Deng .Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for Reduction of Organics in mature landfill leachates: A Review . International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Special Issue on Landfill Leachate Management and Control, 4(3-4), pp. 366-384.2009
Y. Deng & J. Englehardt .Kinetics and Oxidative Mechanism of Hydrogen Peroxide-Enhanced Iron Mediated Aeration (IMA) Treatment of Recalcitrant Organic Compounds in Mature Landfill Leachate . Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009, 169 (1-3), PP. 370-375.2009
Y. Deng, E. Rosario Muñiz, and X. Ma Effects of Inorganic Anions on Fenton Oxidation of Landfill Leachate . Enviromental Science & Technology.2009
Yang Deng (in press) .“Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for Reduction of Organics in Mature Landfill Leachates . International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Special Issue on Landfill Leachate Management and Control, Inderscience Publishers.2009
Deng, Y., and J. Englehardt .“Kinetics and Oxidative Mechanism for H2O2-Enhanced Iron-Mediated Aeration (IMA) Treatment of High Strength Recalcitrant Organic Wastewater” . Journal of Hazardous Materials.2008
Gao, N., Y. Deng, and D. Zhao.“Ametryn Degradation in the Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation/Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Treatment” . Journal of Hazardous Materials.2008
Ortega, C., H. M. Solo- Gabriele, A. Abdelzaher, M. Wright, Yang Deng, L. M. Stark .Pathogen Measurements in the St. Lucie River Estuary . Submitted Paper to Water Research.2008
P. Kohan, D. Wendichansky, L. Suárez .Experimental Study of New Seismic Protective Devices for Low-Rise Steel Buildings . Journal of Earthquake Engineering (sometido el 2 de sept. de 2008).2008
Sangchul Hwang, Soonnam Lee, Scott G. Huling .Effect of Counter-Ion Special of Iron on MTBE Fenton-like Degradation . Environmental Technology.2008
Y. Deng, H. Solo, M. Laas, D. Childrens .Impacts of Hurricane Katrina and Wilma on Water Flow within Everglades National Park . Journal of Hydrology.2008
Zhou, J. P., N. Y. Gao, Y. Deng, and G. Y. Deng .Removal of Organic Pollutants in Raw Water of the Huangpu River Upstream by Ultrafiltration and Nanofiltration Membranes . Journal of Environmental Sciences.2008
Hwang, S., Martinez, D., Perez, P., Rinaldi, C.“Presence of iron oxide nanoparticles in wastewater disinfection” . 2011 IUPAC, San Juan, PR, Jul 30-Aug 5, 2011.2011
Escobar, Z., Hwang, S.“Waste-To-Resource: Characteristics of landfill leachate in different hydrological sequences with coal combustion byproducts aggregates as an alternative reactive daily cover” . 2011 IUPAC, San Juan, PR, Jul 30-Aug 5, 2011 .2011
Luis GodoyThermal Buckling and Failure of Steel Tanks Under Fire . Universidad de North Carolina, Charlotte .2011
Martinez, D., Pérez, P., Hwang, S., Rinaldi, C.Stability and Effect of Engineered Nanoparticles on a Biological Wastewater Treatment Process . NSF Site Visit to Wi (PR) 2EM, Mayaguez, PR .2011
Miguel PandoConferencia: "Licuación de Suelos" . EERI - Civil.2011
Torres, P., Hwang, S. “Waste-To-Resource: Applicability of coal ash concrete for freshwater quality enhancement” . 2011 IUPAC, San Juan, PR, Jul 30-Aug 5, 2011 .2011
Benjamín ColucciSeguridad en Carreteras . Summer Transportation Institute Mayaguez, PR .2011
Benjamín Colucci“Making Every Day Counts in Puerto Rico” . National LTAP/TTAP Annual Meeting, 1-5 de agosto de 2011, Boston, Massachusetts .2011
E. De La RosaForensic Surveying: Essential in a Precise Reconstruction . COPIMERA 2011 .2011
E. De La RosaMujer Agrimensora Elemento de Innovación . 4to Conversatorio de Mujeres Ing. Y Agrimensoras de PR, SJU, PR .2010
A. FigueroaEstrategias Innovadora para un Desarrollo Sustentable en la Infraestructura de Transportación . Simposio en Honor al Cuadragésimo Aniversario del Dia del Planeta Tierra.2010
A. Figueroa y C. Calero Factores de calidad de servicios para sitemas especiales de transporte colectivo: El Caso de los carros públicos en PR . XVI Congreso Latino Americano de Transporte Público y Urbano .2010
A. Figueroa, M. Alegría y D. VáldesA Simplified Methodology for the evaluation of pedestrian safety in urban school zone . Conferencia Técnia 2010 del Inst. De Ing. De Transportación .2010
K. Gurley y L. AponteHurricane winds on low-rise buildings: full-scale measurement and scale model comparisons . International Workshop on Wind Eng. Research and Practice. Chapel Hill, NC, USA .2010
V. Uribe y A. FigueroaEvaluación de las medidas de la demanda de viajes para reducir el flujo de tráfico en el Viejo SJU, PR . XVI Congreso Latino Americano de Transporte Público y Urbano .2010
Yang Deng (invited presenter)"Activation of Molecular Oxygen by Elemental Iron: Mechanisms and Engineering Implications" . "School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai, China" .2008