Applicants must complete and file the required documents electronically on or before November 1, 2019.
About the Fund:
The Endowment Fund of the University of Puerto Rico aims to support the academic and research activities of the
The University of Puerto Rico, ensuring the fiscal stability of the Institution for future generations. The Fund is constituted of
contributions from public or private entities, alumni, budget surpluses, legislative allocations, the proceeds of the sale of
properties of the University of Puerto Rico, or any other entity or natural or legal person that wishes to contribute to the growth of the Fund. The principal of the deposited funds remains intact and is invested in perpetuity. Only the revenues or income they generate are used, and for the purposes stipulated by the Fund, donors or legatees.
For additional information, you can call the phone (787) 250-0000, ext.: 4610 or send an email to or