Ext : 6337
Email: luisd.aponte@upr.edu
Office: CI-115A2
- Aponte-Bermúdez, L., Villafañe-Rosa, F., Muñoz-Barreto, J. and Díaz, E., Glorimar Torres-Pagán, (2018). Huracán María: Sinopsis y Análisis Preliminar del Impacto en la Infraestructura de Puerto Rico, [online] (Año 32, Vol. 1), pp.27-30. Available at: http://www.ciapr.net/images/stories/Dimension/06dimA32v1_web.pdf [Accessed 21 Jun. 2018].
- Aponte-Bermúdez, L., Villafañe-Rosa, F., Canals, M., Muñoz-Barreto, J. and Díaz, E. (2017). Impacto de la erosión costera a la infraestructura de Rincón. Dimensión, Revista del Colegio de Ingeniero y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico, [online] (Año 31, Vol. 1), pp.23-29. Available at: http://www.ciapr.net/templates/CIAPR/Dimension/03dimA31v1.pdf [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].
- Hosannah, N., González, J., Rodriguez-Solis, R., Parsiani, H., Moshary, F., Aponte, L., … Bornstein, B. (2017). The Convection, Aerosol, and Synoptic-Effects in the Tropics (CAST) Experiment: Building an Understanding of Multiscale Impacts on Caribbean Weather via Field Campaigns. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98(8), 1593–1600. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0192.1
- Aponte-Bermudez, L. D., Rodriguez-Romero, H. J., Morell, J. M., & Rodriguez, E. (2015). CariCOOS: Improving high-resolution numerical weather prediction for the northeast Caribbean region. Presented at OCEANS 2015 – MTS/IEEE Washington (pp. 1–10), Washington, D.C.: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.23919/OCEANS.2015.7404498
- Perez, J. M., Aponte-Bermudez, L. D., Morell, J. M., & Rodriguez, E. (2015). CariCOOS: Real-time data validation of high-resolution wind forecast. Presented at OCEANS 2015 – MTS/IEEE Washington (pp. 1–7), Washington, D.C.: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.23919/OCEANS.2015.7404368