Our Mission

To prepare professionals that can develop virtual-based innovative methodologies that decrease life cycle risks for the next generation of products and systems, and to provide an educational infrastructure for the rapid dissemination and utilization of products and systems.

Our Vision

To be the driving force of an international collaborative effort behind the development and implementation of PLM educational approaches, as well as a world leader in reducing the impact in all the stages of products’ life cycle.

Our History...


Product lifecycle management represents an all-encompassing vision for managing all data relating to the design, production, support and ultimate disposal of manufactured goods.


Female Composition




Global Position

We are redefining automotive PLM!


Redefining impossible and taking the frontiers of modern automotive PLM to the next level.

We invent PLM!

We strive to define what is possible. We never take “no” as an answer! If you can dream it, you can create it.

We provide cutting edge education to the next generation of automotive engineers.

We strive to educate the next generation of engineers on the current state-of-the-art. We help define the frontiers of education.

Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education” builds a bridge between cutting-edge industry leaders and the academic environment provided by the UPRM. This allows recent graduates to exhibit much-desired industry grade experience.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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