Undergraduate Courses
INME 3810 - Creative Design 2
Course Description: Product dissection uses hands-on dissection exercises to develop in students the ability to understand a machine in not only its functionality but also in terms of its history, social impact, the design methodology, the marketing constraints and the customer needs. Use of proper technical vocabulary to describe mechanical and electrical components. Learn oral, written and hand sketching communication skills.
INME 4001 - Thermodynamics 1
Course Description: A study of the fundamentals laws of thermodynamics as applied to closed and open systems. Properties, equations of state, processes and basic cycles.
INME 4002 - Thermodynamics 2
Course Description:The application of the fundamental concepts of Thermodynamics to the study of power and refrigeration cycles and combustion processes. Introduction to gas dynamic: concepts, nonreactive mixtures and psychrometrics.
INME 4003 - Design of Thermal and Fluid Systems
Course Description: Analysis and design of piping systems and heat exchangers. Selection of pumps and fans. Systems simulation and modeling.
INME 4005 - Mechanism Design
Course Description: Fundamental concepts of the kinematic analysis of basic mechanics, such as linkages, cams, gears, and flexible connectors.
INME 4006 - Dynamics of Machinery
Course Description: A study of static and inertia forces in machinery; free and forced vibration isolation; balancing of rotors; critical speed of shafts.
INME 4009 - Automatic Controls
Course Description: Use, calibration and sensitivity of instruments for measuring temperature, pressure, volume, strain, and fluid flow: analysis of electrical, electronic, hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatical servomechanism; control systems and their characteristics, such as: response, sensitivity and stability.
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INME 4011 - Design of Machine Elements I
Course Description: Application of strength of materials and materials science in machine element design. Introduction and use of static and dynamic failure theories in the design of machine elements.
INME 4012 - Design of Machine Elements II
Course Description: Analysis and design of specific machine components including screws, nuts, springs, gears, bearing, shafts, brakes, clutches, and couplings.
INME 4015 - Heat Transfer
Course Description: Fundamentals of steady and unsteady conduction, forced and natural convection and radiation. Introduction to heat exchangers.
INME 4018 - Energy Conversion
Course Description: A study of the different methods of energy conversion. The course will cover the basic theoretical concepts, and will include discussions on conventional and modern devices for energy conversion, such as steam generators, internal combustion engines, turbines, thermoionic and thermoelectric systems, fuel cells, thermonuclear plants, and lasers.
INME 4019 - Energy Auditing and Management
Course Description: Fundamental concepts of energy engineering; principles and methods related to the use, conservation, auditing and management of energy sources.
INME 4027 - Power Plant Engineering
Course Description: The application of fundamental concepts of thermal sciences and economics to the analysis of power generating stations; emphasis on steam and gas systems.
INME 4035 - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Course Description: A comprehensive study of the fundamentals of air conditioning; psychrometric calculations; comfort, health and industrial processes requirements; heating and cooling loads; air conditioning equipment and its selection.
INME 4037 - Internal Combustion Engines
Course Description: A presentation and study of modern spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines, including types and characteristics; operating power cycles; combustion phenomena; engine performance; heat losses and efficiencies.
INME 4039 - Mechanical Engineering Practice
Course Description: A course organized in cooperation with private industry or government to provide the student with practical experience in mechanical engineering. The work performed by the student will be jointly supervised by the Academic Department and an appropriate official from the cooperating organization. An oral and written report will be required from the student upon completion of the project.
INME 4045 - General Thermodynamics for Engineers
Course Description: Fundamental laws and principles of thermodynamics and their application in engineering. Thermodynamic and energetic concepts, properties of pure substances, heat transfer, heat engines.
INME 4055 - Manufacturing Processes
Course Description: Different manufacturing processes and machine tools; influence of the method of fabrication upon the properties of materials; computer and numerical control of machine-tools; use of plastics.
INME 4056 - Manufacturing Processes Laboratory
Course Description: Demonstrations and operation of machine-tools in modern manufacturing.
INME 4057 - Engineering Design
Course Description: Formulation, design and analysis of engineering projects; creative aspects of design; design methodology, safety, liability and patents. Technical presentation, both oral and written.
INME 4058 - Computer Aided Design
Course Description: Study of the principles of computer aided engineering design applied to mechanical engineering problems. Introduction to finite element and design optimization techniques. Use of programming and commercial software to design mechanical system.
INME 4065 - Product Design
Course Description: Factors affecting a product design: composition, cost, reliability, quality, maintainability, manufacturability, and aesthetics. These factors are applied in a project design.
INME 4107 - Materials Science and Engineering
Course Description: A study of the relationships of the mechanical properties of materials to their micro and macro structure, with emphasis on the application of materials in the fields on engineering.
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INME 4235 - Mechatronics Laboratory
Course Description: Experiments and exercises in instrumentation, calibration, statistical analysis, data acquisition, and computer interfacing to design, and monitor systems with the use of control theory, electronics and computing.
INME 4236 - Thermal Science Laboratory
Course Description: Experiments and projects in the areas of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics. Transducers, sensors and data acquisition systems for the measurement temperature, flow rate and pressure in thermal systems.
INME 4210 - System Dynamics
Course Description: Study of dynamic systems in the mechanical linear-rotational, electrical, hydraulic, thermal and electromechanical domain. Modeling of linear dynamic systems, linearization of nonlinear systems, use of analytical tools to predict the dynamic behavior of systems. Use of Laplace transform, block algebra, frequency diagrams and simulation in the analysis and design of systems.
INME 4705 - Applied Aerodynamics
Course Description: Analysis of fluid flow behavior around a rigid body by applying the continuity, momentum and energy equations, two-dimensional potential flow, and the panel method. Analysis of finite wings models using two-and three-dimensional lifting theory and vortex lattice solutions. Study of compressibility effects to analyze fluid flow behavior around transonic wings. Introduction to computational fluid dynamics.
INME 4707 - Gas Turbine Thermodynamics and Propulsion
Course Description: Study of how concepts of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and compressible flow theory are applied to the analysis and design of aircraft jet engines. Analysis of gas turbine using jet engine familiarization, cycle analysis, propulsion and turbomachinery theories. Study of jet engine performance using energy budgets and its optimization in the jet engine cycle. Discussion of actual industry testing applications.
INME 4709 - Aircraft Performance
Course Description: Study of performance and design characteristics of conventional aircraft using atmospheric properties, and the concepts of lift and drag. Design for specified flight conditions and the flight conditions for best performance using the physical characteristics of an aircraft. Analysis of level flight performance, rates of climb, service and absolute ceilings, range, takeoff and landing, and turn performance.
INME 4717 - Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis
Course Description: Introduction and application of solid mechanics to analyze aerospace structures. Study of aircraft components and their design philosophy. Environmental load design diagrams. Development and application of elasticity to describe the stress, strain, and displacement fields of one- and two-dimensional problems in aerospace structures. Analysis of bending, shear and torsional theories for arbitrary, multimaterial, and multicell wing cross-sections. Analysis of thin-walled single and multicell stiffened shell sections using analytical and numerical solutions.
INME 4810 - Design and Techniques for Automation
Course Description: Introduction to automatic assembly systems. Design of products for ease of assembly. Analysis and design of special purpose automated equipment for parts manufacture, assembly, packaging or general industrial automation. Design of automatic assembly systems and their integration using programmable logic controller technology.
INME 4850 - Introduction to Robotics
Course Description: Analysis and design of mechanical manipulators by means of kinematic and dynamic models. Use of the direct or inverse kinematics analysis techniques to calculate the position of the robot tool, the required joint variables, and to perform workspace analysis and trajectory and motion planning.
INME 4995 - Engineering Practice for Coop Students
Course Description: Practical experience in mechanical engineering in cooperation with private industry or government to be jointly supervised by the academic department, the co-op program coordinator, and an official from the cooperating organization. A written report will be required upon completion of each period of work.
INME 4998 - Undergraduate Research
Course Description: Participation, under the supervision of a faculty member acting as an investigator, in a research project.
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Advanced Undergraduate Courses
INME 5005 - Lubrication
Course Description: Fundamental principles and concepts of lubrication theory; hydrostatic and hydrodynamic lubrication; examples of journal and thrust bearing design, using both the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic principles; considerations in boundary lubrication.
INME 5007 - Solar Energy Applications
Course Description: Fundamentals of solar radiation, its measurement, and methods of estimation. Selectedtopics on heat transfer relevant to systems design applications of solar energy such as flat plate and focusing collectors, energy storage systems, heating and cooling systems, power systems, and distillation processes.
INME 5008 - Corrosion
Course Description: Electrochemical principles and corrosion mechanisms; protection and prevention of corrosion in metals; the effects of temperature, environment, and metallurgical factors.
INME 5018 - Materials Failure Analysis
Course Description: Materials science concepts used to identify, correct and prevent failure due to the improper use of materials or to problems in manufacturing processes. In depth study of failure mechanisms such as fatigue, wear, creep, and corrosion.
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INME 5015 - Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Course Description: A study of certain selected topics in Mechanical Engineering not covered by the other existing courses.
INME 5025 - Metals Fatigue (II)
Course Description: Nature of metal fatigue; modern approaches to design of mechanical components for repeated loadings; importance of residual stresses and stress concentrations; analysis of cumulative damage and life prediction; cycle counting and sequence of events.
INME 5707 - Gas Turbine System Operation
Course Description: Study of jet engine performance using energy budgets and its optimization in the jet engine cycle. Study of turbomachine components, such as compressors, combustors, turbines and nozzles, as integrated into a system that produces power aircrafts. Development of a thermodynamic model for a turbofan engine to investigate design and off-design behavior, and the response to external and internal parameters. Study the influence of design criteria such as structural integrity, emissions, acoustics, and operationally-stable throttle response on the integration process.
INME 5717 - Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design
Course Description: Application of work and energy principles, and numerical methods, to the design of flight vehicles. Study of deflection and load analysis using the principle of virtual work, principle of contemporary virtual work, analytical weak form solutions, and the finite element formulation. Wing design considering: fatigue, aeroelasticity, divergence, environmental loads, aerospace materials, dynamic stability of thin-walled compression members, and structural dynamics.
INME 5995 - Special Problems
Course Description: Researches and special problems in Mechanical Engineering and related fields.
INME 5996 - Special Problems II
Course Description: Researches and special problems in Mechanical Engineering and related fields.
INME 5997 - Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering II
Course Description: A study of certain selected topics in Mechanical Engineering not covered by the other existing courses.
Graduate Courses
INME 6001 - Advanced Thermodynamics I
Course Description: Critical study of thermodynamic laws; property relationships; statistical thermodynamics. Thermodynamics design of power plants and refrigeration plants.
INME 6002 - Advanced Thermodynamics
Course Description: Advanced applications of thermodynamics to energy systems; chemical reaction kinetics; combustion; modeling of intermolecular forces and transport properties; solid phase thermodynamics.
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INME 6007 - Advanced Air Conditioning
Course Description: Advanced study of psychometrics, dynamic models for buildings, simultaneous heat and mass transfer processes. Energy efficient cooling and heating of building using annual energy consumption criterion and conventional and non-conventional air conditioning systems.
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INME 6008 - Advanced Metal Cutting
Course Description: Mechanics of machining process including friction and temperature. Tools wear analysis, cutting fluids and surface finish. Economics of machining processes. Flexible manufacturing and group technology process design.
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INME 6009 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Course Description: Developments in the removal and deforming processes of materials. Applications of these processes to hard, brittle, conducting and non-conducting materials. Use of the computer in the analysis of these processes.
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INME 6010 - Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics and Convective Heat Transfer
Course Description: Fluid properties, equations of mass, momentum and energy for viscous flows, exact solutions, low and high Reynolds number flows, velocity and thermal boundary layers, flow in tubes, approximate methods, compressible flows, momentum and energy transfer in turbulent flows.
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INME 6015 - Dislocation Theory
Course Description: Theory of dislocations in isotropic and anisotropic continua; dislocation reactions; the relation of theory to observed dislocation configurations.
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INME 6016 - Mechanical Metallurgy
Course Description: Dislocation theory applied to deformation of metals; including the mechanisms of glide; fatigue; creep, and fracture.
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INME 6017 - Seminar
Course Description: Discussions and presentations on topics related to mechanical engineering and research projects developed by students of the graduate program.
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INME 6019 - Fracture Mechanics
Course Description: Application of fracture mechanics to structural integrity of engineering materials; prevention of fracture, relationship between material toughness, design stress and flaw size, microstructural and environmental effects; transition temperature; fatigue and failure analysis.
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INME 6021 - Engineering System Design I
Course Description: An introduction to the philosophy of problem recognition and design project formulation; practice in this activity through the actual formulation and completion of several small design projects or one large one.
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INME 6024 - Numerical Analysis of Transport Phenomena
Course Description: Numerical solution of governing equations stemming from heat and mass transfer and fluid flow phenomena.
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INME 6025 - Gas Dynamics
Course Description: Fluid properties, equations of mass, momentum and energy, one-dimensional gas dynamics, normal and oblique shocks, expansion fans, flows in ducts and nozzles, flow with friction and heat transfer, small perturbation theory, introduction to characteristic method.
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INME 6030 - Mechanics of Composite Materials
Course Description: Analysis of mechanical behavior of composite materials; fiber reinforced composites, and laminated beams and plates; environmental effects; prediction of properties; theories of strength, stiffness, design.
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INME 6035 - Conservation and Alternate Energy Systems
Course Description: Technology of energy conservation and of systems for production of electricity which do not use fossil fuels. Case studies of conservation schemes, and of the technology of wind, ocean energy, direct solar, nuclear and biofuels. Energy sources, conversion processes, transportation and storage, supply systems, and socio-economic and ecological assessment. Individual, in depth, term papers are required on two of the topics covered.
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INME 6036 - Control System Design and Applications
Course Description: Design of electromechanical products; use of electronic parts in design. Applications of logic design. Selection and construction of control loop parts such as sensors and actuators. Design, build, and test of a miniature controlled system.
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INME 6037 - Finite Element Analysis
Course Description: Application of energy and variational principles to approximate ordinary and partial differential equations. Application of weak and strong formulations. Application to structural and heat transfer problems with static and dynamic loading. Computer programming of finite element analysis code to solve one-and two-dimensional problems using isoparametric formulation. Comparison of finite element results with exact and semi-analytical solutions.
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INME 6039 - Vibrations
Course Description: Systems with multiple degrees of freedom, principal modes and coordinates, modal analysis, influence coefficients, transfer matrix. Lagrange’s equations. Continuous system, longitudinal, torsional and lateral vibrations. Simulation of vibrational problems on analog and digital computers.
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INME 6040 - Advanced Kinematics
Course Description: Kinematic synthesis by analytical and computer assisted methods. Advanced topics in kinematic synthesis of linkages. Computerized design for function, path and motion generation. Spatial mechanisms and robotics.
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INME 6046 - Design for Manufacture
Course Description: Methods to assist in the design of products for manufacture. Guidelines and design rules for quality control and to ease the fabrication of assemblies and products with casting and molding processes, material removal, and deforming.
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INME 6045 - Automatic Assembly Systems
Course Description: Introduction to assembly systems; mechanics of vibratory and non-vibratory feeders; parts feeding and orienting devices; natural resting aspects of parts; performance and economics of automatic assembly and robotic assembly systems; product design improvement for ease of assembly.
INME 6048 - Continuum Mechanics
Course Description: Study of continuum mechanics covering algebra and calculus of tensors, analysis of stress and deformation at a point. Development of the basic equations of a continuum medium by applying the basic laws of conservation of mass, linear momentum, moment of momentum, and the first and second law of thermodynamics. Study of constitutive axioms and constitutive relations for solids and fluids, application to problems of solid mechanics and/or fluid mechanics.
INME 6055 - Radiation and Conduction Heat Transfer
Course Description: Discussion and use of methods for the analytical solution of heat conduction and heat radiation problems including Bessel’s functions, separation of variables, superposition, and the Laplace transform. Numerical solution of combined heat conduction and radiation problems using the methods of finite difference and discrete ordinates for radiatively participating and non-participating media.
INME 6065 - Principles of Biomedical Engineering
Course Description: Study of advanced general topics as applied to biomedical systems. Brief history of medicine, including human anatomy, physiology, and the rise of modern molecular biology. Description of the development of quantitative methods in biology, and the role of engineering in understanding complex biological systems. Description of relevant laws, professional ethics and regulatory environment.
INME 6099 - Research
Course Description: Research in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The presentation and approval of a thesis is required in order to obtain the six credits.
INME 6107 - Smart Materials and Devices
Course Description: Study of smart materials and their classification according to their response and stimuli ability. Discussion of the effect of crystalline structure on the properties of piezoelectric materials, magnetostrictive alloys, shape memory alloys and others. Application of smart materials in actuators and sensors.
INME 6115 - Biomaterials
Course Description: Study of advanced materials as applied to biomedical systems. Integration of materials science and engineering concepts with biology for the design of successful interfaces between living cells and organic and inorganic materials as well as medical devices.
INME 6135 - Tissue Engineering
Course Description: Study of tissue engineering applied to biomedical systems. Review of quantitative cell and tissue biology, cell and tissue characterization, engineering methods and design, and clinical implementation. Discussion of cells and their behavior, followed by the effect of external stimuli on cells. The properties of the extracellular matrix will be studied. Specific cases of vascular tissue engineering, cartilage tissue engineering and bone engineering will be studied. The implications of using stem cell for tissue engineering will be discussed.
INME 6160 - Fundamentals of Micro and Nanofabrication
Course Description: Discussion and application of micro and nanofabrication techniques as applied to micro- electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and nano- electro-mechanical systems (NEMS), such as photolithography, subtractive and additive techniques, surface and bulk micromachining, soft lithography and non-conventional fabrication techniques. Hands-on laboratory experience on mask design, photolithography, surface micromachining and soft lithography.
INME 6165 - Design of Microfluidic Systems
Course Description: Discussion of advanced concepts and technologies of micro-scale flows. Analysis of microfabrication techniques, special cases of the Navier-Stokes equations, inertial microfluidics, capillary effects, droplet microfluidics, electrokinetics, acoustofluidics, optofluidics, nanofluidics, and transport phenomena in micro-scale flows. Determination of design parameters and optimization of micro-scale fluidic structures based on analytical and computational solutions of the Navier-Stokes, energy, and mass transport equations.
INME 6170 - Biomedical Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (BIOMEMS)
Course Description: Discussion of advanced topics in Biomedical Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS). Analysis of the underlying physical, chemical and biological phenomena in BioMEMS as applied to medical and biological sciences. Design of BioMEMS based on the current trends in the field of biomedical science and engineering.
INME 6748 - Energy and Variational Principles in Applied Mechanics
Course Description: Application of energy and variational principles in applied mechanics using fundamental theorems from variational calculus and solid mechanics. Derivation of equations of mechanics from energy and variational principles. Formulation and solution of initial-, boundary-, and eigen-value problems using direct variational methods.
INME 6810 - Mechanical Fundamentals of Electronic Packaging
Course Description: This course covers the fundamental mechanical principles used in the design of electronic devices and their integration into electronic systems. It will focus on the effect of materials compability, thermal stress, mechanical stress, and environmental exposure on product performance, durability, and cost. Both electronic devices and package assemblies will be considered. Thermal and mechanical stress effects on package assemblies will be studied.
INME 6995 - Selected Topics
Course Description: Advanced selected topics in Mechanical Engineering not covered by existing courses.
INME 6998 - Engineering Project
Course Description: Comprehensive study of a mechanical engineering problem selected to integrate the knowledge acquired in the graduate program of study. This project fulfills one of the requirements of the Master of Engineering Degree (ME) and will be governed by the norms established for the Graduate School for this purpose.
INME 8000 - Doctoral Dissertation
Course Description: Academic research and dissertation development based on an original research project in Mechanical Engineering.
INME 8017 - Doctoral Seminar
Course Description: Discussions and presentations on advanced topics related to Mechanical Engineering and research projects developed by students of the doctoral program.
INME 8995 - Advanced Problems in Mechanical Engineering
Course Description: Research and special problems at and advanced level in Mechanical Engineering and/or related fields.
INME 8997 - Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Course Description: Advanced fundamentals and research topics not covered by existing graduate courses in Mechanical Engineering and/or related fields.