- J.R.T. Lloyd, P. Caceres, B. Ralph and P. Brondsted; “Observations of Substructure Associated with Fatigue in a Low Alloy Steel”, 1985, Scripta Metall, v.19, pp.1475-1480.
- P.G. Caceres, C. Hotham, J.A. Spittle and R.D. Jones, “Mechanisms of Formation and Growth of Intermetallic Layers in Hot Dipping of Fe in Zn-3%Al and Zn-6%Al Baths”, 1986; Materials Science and Technology, v.2, pp.871-877.
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- P.G. Caceres, B. Ralph, G.C. Allen and R.K. Wild; “Sensitization of Inconel 600 – Part II : Analytical Electron Microscopy”; Philosophical Magazine A, 1989, v..59, (6), pp. 1137-1162.
- P.G. Caceres and M. Behbehani; “Microstructural and Surface Area Development During Hydrogen Reduction of Magnetite”, 1994, Journal of Applied Catalysis A, vol.109, No2, pp.211-223.
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- P.G. Caceres; “Characterization of Promoted Magnetite Catalyst by Analytical Electron Microscopy”, Journal of Applied Catalysis A, 1995, vol.127, pp.107-113.
- K. Habib and P. Caceres, “Properties and Structures of Co-Based Metallic Glasses”, Scanning, 1995, v.17, pp.254-262.
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- P.G. Caceres and K. Habib; “ Crystallization Behavior of Fe78B13Si9,; Fe81B13 Si3.5C2, Fe66Co18B15Si and Fe77Cr2B16Si5”; Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 1996,.v.87, (4),pp.300-304.
- P.G. Caceres and K. Habib; “Failure Analysis of a Steam Reformer Tube”; Microstructural Science, 1996, v.13, pp. 151-155.
- P.G. Caceres and K. Habib; “Crystallization Kinetics of Fe-B-Si Based Metallic Glasses with Single Additions of C, Co and Cr”; Microstructural Science, 1996, v.13, pp. 29-33.
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- J.A. Sidhu, P.G. Caceres, M.H. Behbehani; “Measurement of Starch Properties During Staling of Arabic Bread”, Starch / Starkë, 1997, v.49, No. 5, pp.180-186.
- P.G. Caceres and E.K. Ettiogbe; “Thermal Decomposition of Dolomite and the Extraction of Its Constituents” Journal of Minerals Engineering, 1997, v.10, No 10, pp.1165-1176.
- P.G. Caceres, “Effect of Microstructure on the Abrasive Wear Properties of Infiltrated Tungsten Alloys”, Materials Characterization, v.49, pp.1-9, 2002.
- P.G. Caceres-Valencia; “Effect of Elemental Redistribution on the Failure of Centrifugally Cast HK 40 Alloy”, ASME-Journal – Failure Analysis and Prevention, v.6, issue 2, pp.67-72, (2006).
- P.G. Caceres-Valencia; “Low Temperature Synthesis of Nanostructured χ-Fe5C2 Platelets in CO-H2 Atmosphere”, Materials Characterization, v. 56, PP.26-31, (2006)
- P.G. Caceres-Valencia, F. Rodriguez, “Synthesis of Nanostructured Chi-Fe5C2 Platelets in CO+H2 Atmospheres” Science &Technology of Powder Materials: Synthesis, Consolidation and Properties Ed. L.Shaw, E. Al Olevsky, F. Marquis, I.E. Anderson, J.H. Adair, and J.P. Singh, Editors TMS [pp. 19] 2006
- P. Acevedo, P.Caceres and P Sundaram; “Evaluation in Atmospheric Corrosion in Al/Ag Joints” Corrosion Science 50 (2008), pp. 3123-3131.
- Claudia Y. Acevedo-Morantes, Roberto A. Irizarry-Ortiz, Pablo G. Caceres-Valencia, Surinder P. Singh, and Jaime E. Ramirez-Vick; “Combinatorial growth of oxide nanoscaffolds and its influence in osteoblast cell adhesion” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 102810 (2012)