
Rubén E. Díaz-Rivera, Ph.D

Associate Professor

Micro Scale & Bio Engineering

Office: L-209
T: 787-832-4040 x2529
F: 787-265-3817


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  • Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2005
  • B.S.
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, 2000


  • 2008-present
Adjunct Professor, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
  • 2006-present
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.
  • 2005
Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.
  • 2000
Inspector Engineer, O.M.E.P. San Juan Region, Puerto Rico: Department of Education. Summer.

Research Areas

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Conference Publications

  • Cruz-Díaz A.O., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Hydrodynamically Induced Whole-Cell Manipulation in Micro-fluidic Devices. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 22-25, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Ul Haque, A., Zuberi, M., Diaz-Rivera, R., Porterfield, D.M. (Accepted 2009). Characterization and modeling of electroporation parameters of a micro-electroporation biochip. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
  • Díaz, R. E. and B. Rubinsky (2004). A single cell study on the temperature effects of electroporation. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, HTD ; 375, November 13-19, 2004, Anaheim, California, USA, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Díaz, R. E. and B. Rubinsky (2004). A single cell study on the effects of temperature on electroporation. Abstracts of annual meeting of the society for cryobiology 2004. Cryobiology 49(3): 328.
  • Díaz, R. E. and J. González (1999). Passive Thermal Optimization for Office Buildings in the Caribbean. Proceedings of Sustainable Applications for Tropical Islands States. SATIS ’99 PP. 75-80, August 25-27, 1999, San Juan, Puerto Rico


Major Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  • A. Haque, M. Zuberi, R. E. Díaz-Rivera, D. M. Porterfield (2009). “Electrical Characterization of a Microelectroporation Biochip and Single Cell Densities Measured with the 2-D Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technology.” Accepted in Biomedical Microdevices.
  • R. E. Díaz-Rivera and B. Rubinsky (2006). “Electrical and thermal characterization of nanochannels between a cell and a silicon based micro-pore.” Biomedical Microdevices 8: 25-34.



  • González Jiménez, S., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., A CFD Model and Design of a Hydrodynamic Trap and Release Microfluidic Device for Single Cell Studies. Lab on a Chip European Congress, March 10-11, 2014, poster forum, Berlin, Germany.
  • González Jiménez, S., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Pressure Drop Approach to Estimate the Apparent Slip at the Walls of a PDMS Micro-Channel. 7th NEA Science Day, February 13, 2014, poster forum, Mayaguez, PR. Third place poster competition.
  • López Marcial, G., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Techniques for Single Cell Electroporation in a Flow Thorough Microfluidic Device. 37th ACS Senior Technical Meeting (American Chemical Society- Puerto Rico Section), November 8, 2013, poster forum, Aguadilla, PR.
  • Falcón-Banchs, R., Feliciano-González, N., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., A Mass Conservation Approach for the Fluidic Characterization of a Micro-channel Design for Hydrodynamic Particle Entrapment. 37th ACS Senior Technical Meeting (American Chemical Society- Puerto Rico Section), November 8, 2013, poster forum, Aguadilla, PR.
  • Arroyo-Fernandez, B., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy of Single-Cells Immobilized in a Silicon-Based Micro-Pore. 37th ACS Senior Technical Meeting (American Chemical Society- Puerto Rico Section), November 8, 2013, poster forum, Aguadilla, PR.
  • Falcón-Banchs R., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Fluidic Characterization of a Straight Micro-channel using Micro Particle Image Velocimetry. 36th ACS Senior Technical Meeting (American Chemical Society- Puerto Rico Section), November 30 – December 1, 2012, poster forum, Ponce, PR.
  • Díaz-Rivera, R.E., CFD Modeling and PIV Characterization of a Microfluidic Device for Hydrodynamic Particle Isolation. 2012 Conference of Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Engineering Research Symposium, Dallas, TX, November 14-18, 2012.
  • Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Biotransport in Biomedical Engineering Course at UPRM, Bio-transport Education Workshop Panelist, 2012 ASME Summer Biogineering Conference, Fajardo, PR, June 20-23, 2012.
  • Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Hydrodynamic Isolation of Individual Cells and Particles in Microfluidic Channels. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Rise2Best Symposium, Novermber 3, 2011.
  • Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Hydrodynamic Isolation of Individual Cells and Particles in Microfluidic Channels. 2011 Conference of Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Engineering Research Symposium, Anaheim, CA, October 26-30, 2011.
  • Sanchez, A., Cruz-Díaz A.O., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Finite Element Modeling of Micro-Fluidic Channels for Single-Cell Hydrodynamic Control. 1st BMES Symposium, April 11-12, 2012, Second place at poster forum, Mayaguez, PR.
  • Sanchez, A., Cruz-Díaz A.O., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Finite Element Modeling of Micro-fluidic Channels for Single-Cell Hydrodynamic Control. 2012 Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), March 10, podium presentation, Carolina, PR.
  • Lugo-Velázquez, I.P., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Characterization of a Robust High Throughput Microfluidic Device for Single-cell Electroporation. 2012 Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM), March 10, poster forum, Carolina, PR.
  • Cruz-Díaz A.O., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Pressure Differential Trapping Mechanism for Suspended Micro-particles in Micro-fluidic Devices. 2011 Biomedical Engineering Society 2011 Annual Meeting, October 12-15, poster forum, Connecticut, USA.
  • Lopez M., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Characterization of Microfluidic Devices for High-Density Cell Entrapment and Electrical Interrogation. 2011 AGMUS Research Symposium, September 16-17, podium presentation, San Juan, PR.
  • Cruz-Díaz A.O., Díaz-Rivera, R.E., Hydrodynamically Induced Whole-Cell Manipulation in Micro-fluidic Devices. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 22-25, poster forum, Pennsylvania, USA.



[tab label=”Distinctions & Awards”  last= “yes”]


  • Outstanding Professor Award, College of Engineering, University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez, 2008-2009.
  • NNIN Laboratory Experience for Faculty Recipient, Cornell University, 2009
  • Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship, Gordon Research Conference on Bio-electrochemistry, 2006
  • Sloan Scholar, UC Berkeley, 2002-2005
  • Compact For Faculty Diversity Scholar, Atlanta, 2004
  • Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company Scholar, UC Berkeley, 2000-2005


