Admission Process for the College of Engineering

[Spanish Version]

Below is important information related to the process of admission to the College of Engineering.

Important Terms:

IMI:  Minimum Income Index required to qualify for the program

Minimum IGS:  This is the IGS of the last student who was able to enter the program in the 2018-2019 class

Median of the IGS: this is the 50% percentile of the IGS of the students who entered the program. That is, half of the students had an IGS equal to or greater than the median

Quota: Number of students that the program has the ability to handle according to their resources (teachers, classrooms, laboratories, etc.)

IGS General index of the student based on their grades from grade 9 to the first semester of grade 12, and their mathematical reasoning and verbal reasoning from the grades of the College Board or the SAT. See the IGS calculator on the Admissions page of the UPR. (


To enter a program, two conditions must be met:

  1. Have an IGS greater than IMI.
  2. Have space available in the program. That is why you should not forget that it is a competitive process where only the best of the applicants enter. IMI’s and Quotas are established by the RUM Administrative Board every year and may vary from year to year

On some occasions there are students who, although they qualify through the IMI’s, cannot enter due to lack of space in the program of interest. Students have up to three alternatives to enter, carefully select them to improve your chances of entering the RUM.

Below is the data relevant to the admissions in August 2018

Civil Engineering050131031032126911390
Electrical Engineering050232032033635613695
Industrial Engineering0503315316329316139115
Mechanical Engineering0504320336349655361150
Chemical Engineering0505320323341330177130
Survey and Topology0506300300309279135115
Computer Engineering0507320321338381163115
Computer Science and Engineering05083203223431684030
Software Engineering050932032033527110870