What is R2DEEP?

The R2DEEP Project is a Recruitment, Retention, and Distance Engineering Education Project, which in English would be “Recruitment, Retention, and Distance Engineering Education Project” from which its acronym derives. It is an initiative of the Pre-Engineering Program that combines recruitment, training and retention strategies with the objective of improving the quantity and quality of students who apply for, enter and complete programs offered at the College of Engineering of the Mayagüez University Campus of the University. from Puerto Rico.

Can only those interested in an engineering program take R2DEEP courses?

No. Even though the R2DEEP program was created as a recruitment and retention strategy for the programs offered by the UPRM College of Engineering, students interested in other disciplines can take courses in the R2deep Program. The following courses are also requirements for other university concentrations:

  • INGE 3001 – Introduction to Engineering (1 cr) -Offered only in the first semester.
  • INGE-3011 – Engineering Graphics (2 cr) – Monday and Wednesday 3:30pm-5:20pm
  • MATE-3171 – Pre-Calculus I (3 cr) – Tuesday 3:30pm-5:20pm and Thursday 3:30pm-6:20pm
  • MATE-3172 – Pre-Calculus II (3 cr) – Monday 3:30pm-5:20pm and Wednesday 3:30pm-6:20pm
  • MATE-3031 – Calculus I (4 cr) – Monday and Wednesday 5:30pm-7:20pm
  • INGE 3016 – Algorithms and Computer Programming (3 cr) – Online Asynchronous
  • INGL 3101 – Basic English Course (3 cr)
  • INGL 3103 – Intermediate English I (3 cr)
  • CIIC 3015 – Introduction to Computer Programming I (4 cr and laboratory). – Tuesday and Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm and Laboratory Wednesday 4:30pm-6:20pm. Course for students interested in Software Engineering or Industrial Engineering

Recruitment Strategies

R2DEEP promotes student participation in the different summer camps offered by UPRM. We encourage the establishment and growth of engineering clubs in secondary schools. We maintain a sustainable plan to disseminate the professional opportunities offered by an engineering career and the academic opportunities offered by the UPRM College of Engineering to high school students.

Academic Strategies

It offers, as pre-engineering disciplines, courses in mathematics, engineering graphics and programming for high school students, in the hybrid modality of distance education (“Online”), reinforcing their preparation to successfully pursue a university degree. The courses offered can be taken by students directly from their schools of origin that have agreements with the UPRM to offer R2DEEP, or independently, obtaining validated credits for a university degree at the UPRM or other university entities.

Requirements To Apply:

Have a GPA of 3.5

Be in the tenth (10th), eleventh (11th) or twelfth (12th) grade of high school at the time of taking the course.

Want to take the Pre-Calculus I (MATE3171) course under R2DEEP?

The student must meet the general average and have obtained the following scores: PEAU-College Board Exam 651 or more in the Mathematical Achievement part or PAA-College Board Exam 605 or more in the Mathematics part.

Any student who has obtained the following score: PEAU-College Board Exam 650 or less in the Mathematical Achievement part or PAA-College Board Exam 604 or less in the Mathematics part and who is interested in taking the MATE 3171 (Precaculus I) course. , you have two alternatives. The first is to take and pass with 50% or more the Diagnostic Exam, offered by the RUM Department of Mathematics. Free reviews for the exam are available at the following link: http://quiz.uprm.edu/remediadora/. The second is to take the INFOMATE and pass it with a 60% or more. The INFOMATE behaves like an intensive course and if approved, the mathematics department validates it through the Mathematics Diagnostic Exam.

The Mathematics Diagnostic Exam is online. In order to take the Diagnostic Exam or the INFOMATE, you must first request a provisional student number (which you will only use for the diagnostic exam or the INFOMATE) by filling out the form below. You will then be sent your student number with registration instructions. This number is not assigned automatically, so the email with the information does not arrive immediately. The Diagnostic Exam should be taken by students interested in taking Precalculus I with the R2DEEP Program and have taken the College Board and scored 604 or less on the math achievement portion or have not taken the College Board. This exam is free of cost.

Both the INFOMATE and the Diagnostic Exam are subject to changes that the academic calendar may have, in which case the amendments will be informed to the students by their instructors.

The dates for the diagnostic exam are:




Registration Date: March 24-31 2024

Modality: Online

Cost: $0.00 Free




Registration Date: April 1-30 2024

Modality: Online

Cost: $0.00 Free




Registration Date: June 12-13 2024

Modality: Online

Cost: $0.00 Free


Section 001: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Institute Date: From Friday, April 12 to Friday, May 3, 2024

Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:30pm to 7:30pm

Modality: Online or Syncchronus

Cost: $150.00



Section 002: Friday and Saturday

Institute Date: From Friday, April 12 to Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hours: Fridays from 4:30pm to 6:30pm and Saturdays all day from 8:00am to 12:00pm and from 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Modality: Online or Syncchronus

Cost: $150.00

For registration and payment (after having requested and received the student number):

Institute for Mathematical Strengthening – Department of Mathematical Sciences

Important Information:

Certification 9915 of the Academic Senate establishes that every new student whose study curriculum contains the course MATE 3171 Precalculus I and who obtains a score of 605 or less in the Mathematical Achievement part of the CEEB exam must take a diagnostic exam.

Likewise, to take the Basic English Course under R2DEEP; the student must have obtained an English Achievement (PAA) score of 569 or less. Similarly, to take Intermediate English I course under R2DEEP; The student must have obtained an English Achievement (PAA) score of 570 to 800.

Reasonable Accommodation

If the student needs a reasonable accommodation, they must request it by accessing this link:


Have a Question? Contact Us!

Office: SA-201

Phone: (787)832-4040 Ext. 6261, 6290, 6223, 6224

Email: r2deep@uprm.edu