
Breve información de preparación académica:

University of Puerto Rico                                   Biology                                           BS, 1997

University of Puerto Rico, MS                           Food Science and Technology     MS, 2002

University of Florida                                           Food Science                                PhD, 2010

Minor in Food Chemistry

Áreas de investigación y enseñanza:

Food Cemistry, Food Analysis, Post-harvest of Fruit and Vegetables, Introduction to Food Science, Food Safety, Food Regulation


Thesis Advisor (39) [P (President), M (Member), * (graduated)]: Ivelis Acevedo (P), Sylvia Almodovar (M, 2015), Diana Alvarez (M), Victoria Astudillo (P*, 2017), Christina Avila (P), Edwin Barreto (M), Luz Buitrago (P*, 2013), Yorian Cabrera (P), Elisa Castillo (M), Elsa Collazo (M), Brian Cortes (P), Eduardo Diaz (P*, 2014), Jason J. Dragoni (M*, 2014), Mercedes Echevarria (M), Ramón González (M*, 2018), Christine Jusino (M*, 2018), Joel Lugo (M), Sigfredo Martínez (P), Sussie-ling Meletich (P*, 2016), Nayda Meléndez (M*, 2015), Elvin Méndez (M), Michelle Montes (M), Jorge Ortega (M), Angel Otero (M),  María Perez (M* 2012), Lizmar Pérez (M*, 2011), Yamila Perales (M), Leonardo Pierantoni (P*, 2018), Rosa Quispe (P*, 2015), Ivette Roldán (M*, 2017), Arnaldo J Rodriguez (M*, 2016), Sandra Rodríguez (P*, 2016), Andres Salinas (P*, 2017), Maickol Sánchez (M), Alejandro Seda (M*, 2015), Franscheska Semidey (P), Fabiola Torres (P), Iris Torres (P*, 2017), Erika Zambrano (M*, 2013)




  • Buitrago, Plaza, M., Orellana L. and Wessel-Beaver, L. 2016. Uso de Láminas Comestibles para Extender el Largo de Vida Útil de Naranjas Mondadas. J. Agricultural Experimental Station 100(1)
  • Plaza ML, Marshall MR and Rouseff RL. 2015. Volatile Composition and Aroma Activity of Guava Puree Before and After Thermal and Dense Phase. Journal of Food Science 80(2):C218-C227
  • Ramirez-Rodrigues MM, Plaza ML, Ferrentino G, Balaban MO, Reyes-de-Corcuera J and Marshall MR. 2013. Effect of Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide Processing on Microbial Stability and Physicochemical Attributes of Hibiscus sabdariffa. Journal of Food Processing Engineering 36 (1): 125-133
  • Ramirez-Rodrigues MM, Plaza ML, Azeredo A, Balaban MO, and Marshall MR. 2012. Phytochemical, Sensory Attributes and Aroma Stability of Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide Processed Hibiscus sabdariffa Beverage during Storage. Food Chemistry. 134(3): 1425-1431.
  • Ramirez-Rodrigues M M, Plaza ML, Azeredo A, Balaban MO, and Marshall MR. 2011. Physicochemical and Phytochemical Properties of Cold and Hot Water Extraction from Hibiscus sabdariff. Journal of Food Science 76(3):C428-C435.
  • Food Chemistry Workshop: Guide for Laboratories Practices. 2011 & 2012. UPR-RUM. Food Science and Technology Program.
  • Ferrentino, Plaza, M., Ramirez-Rodrigues M., Ferrari G. and Balaban M.O. 2009. Effects of Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide Pasteurization on the Pfysical and Quality Attributes of a Red Grapefruit Juice. Journal of Food Science 74(6): E333-E340.


Synergistic activities           

  • Training in Foreign Supplier Verification Program, Trainer
  • Training in Produce Safety Alliance Train the Trainer Course
  • Training in Food Safety Preventive Control for Animal Food
  • Training in Food Safety Preventive Control for Human Food, Trainer
  • Training in A Coordinated Response to Food Emergencies: Practice and Execution Performance Level
  • Training in Serve Safe
  • Training in food safety to regulators, food industry and consumers in the Caribbean, Central and South America, in both English and Spanish.
  • Cooperative agreement with the USDA/FSIS and the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) to provide training to Spanish speaking international government officials.
  • Trainings course developed for State Department of Agriculture, FDA state Inspectors, Health Department Inspectors in: Good Agricultural Practices, Pre-requisites Programs, Good Manufacturing Practices, HACCP for Meat and Poultry, HACCP for Juice, HACCP for fresh cuts, Acidified Foods, Better Process Control School,
  • Part of the Multistate Program: Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
  • Part of Southern Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Center to Enhance Produce Safety



  • Phi Tau Sigma Honor Society (Lifetime member)
  • Honored Member of Cambridge Who’s Who (2010-2011 Edition)
  • Recipient of Travel Grant for NIFA Grantsmanship Workshop
  • IFAS/CALS Graduate Student Travel Grant (University of Florida
  • Graduate Student Council Research Grant, University of Florida
  • Recipient of Davidson Graduate Student Travel Scholarship, University of Florida,
  • 2nd Place Poster Competition Fruit and Vegetables Division IFT Annual Meeting 2008
  • FSHN Graduate Student Travel Awards, University of Florida
  • Recognition of the Agricultural Department of Puerto Rico