The Department of Chemical Engineering has recognized Nicole M. Pérez Torres with the Luis C. Monzón medal to the best student of the 2020-2021 graduating class.
Nicole is also the recipient of the (unnamed) College of Engineering medal to the engineering student with the highest GPA, 4.0 out of 4.0, and the outstanding Luis Stefani Rafucci medal to the top student of the UPRM with the highest GPA of the graduating class.
Nicole joined the 2016-2017 UPRM freshmen cohort and is currently part of the 108th graduating class. Adding to her academic excellence, she gained professional experiences working with BD, Merck, and Lilly del Caribe with professional COOP practices and internships. Additionally, she was able to work on her capstone project at Stryker. During her studies, she acquired research experiences working with Dr. David Suleiman’s research group. She also occupied the Chemical Technician and Chemical Lead positions in her three-year venture with the Coki Racing Team, and was a guitarist for the UPRM’s Orquesta de Cuerdas for four years. She will be joining Merck’s Global Technical Operations Department as a Biologics Technology Associate Specialist at West Point, Pennsylvania. She plans to kick start her professional career in the biopharmaceutical industry and eventually pursue a manufacturing-oriented master’s and/or doctoral degree.
Awardees of the departmental medal are selected by the faculty amongst all graduating students of the corresponding academic year and certified by the Registrar’s Office. The Department of Chemical Engineering selects the students with the top GPA and may include up to two additional candidates, considering other academic factors such as participation in research, awards, involvement in student organization and leadership, amongst others. Institutional awardees are selected and certified by the Registrar’s Office. Awards are usually presented during the corresponding graduation ceremony.
On June 24, 2021, UPRM’s College of Engineering will be hosting the graduation ceremony for its students at the Palacio de Recreación y Deportes German “Wilkins” Velez in Mayaguez. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the constraints imposed on events, academic Colleges were tasked with awarding departamental honors in much smaller individual departmental activities following safety and prevention. The College of Engineering recognized Nicole (and other engineering honorees) on June 17, 2021, where she was also recognized with the Puerto Rico’s Engineers Society (SIPR, for the Spanish acronym) Eng. Juan Bautista Rodriguez Medal for Excellence.
Thus, we have prepared this brief note to share with our community and encourage them to join us in congratulating Nicole!
Luis C. Monzón Medal
(translated from past Graduation Programs)
In honor of Luis C. Monzón (1897-1942), distinguished chemical engineer, born in Mayagüez PR, and educated professionally in the Colegio de Agricultura y Artes Mecánicas (former name of UPRM) and University of Columbia in New York. Taught at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez. Offered his services as professor, as well as sugar engineer, at the Universidad de Antioquía, Colombia and the (Agricultural) Experimental Station of this colombian city.