Honoring our Top 2019-2020 Graduates

In a long overdue recognition, Ángel N. Santiago Colón and Tania L. Class Martínez have been recognized with the Luis C. Monzón medal to the best students of the 2019-2020 chemical engineering graduating class. Ángel is also the recipient of the (unnamed) College of Engineering medal to the engineering student with the highest GPA, 4.0…

Hernandez-Maldonado selected as 2020 IACChE’S James Y. Oldshue Distinguished Lecturer

Doctor Arturo Hernandez-Maldonado, Professor of Chemical Engineering at UPR-Mayaguez, was selected as the 2020 James Y. Oldshue Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Hernandez’s talk titled “Advancements in the Design of Porous Materials for the Adsorption of Contaminants of Emerging Concern from Water” was delivered at the 2020 AIChE Annual Meeting. Access the full article at UPRM.edu: The James…

Suleiman recognized as 2020 Eminent Chemical Engineer by MAC-AIChE

Professor David Suleiman was recognized by the Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) with the 2020 Eminent Chemical Engineers Award. The awards recognize professionals who identify as members of an underrepresented group and have served as mentors and role models of underrepresented minorities in engineering and other technical accomplishments…

Picanto en tu Uni

Idea Platform te invita a escuchar al fundador de la marca local “Pícalo”, hablar sobre como está cambiando la forma de vestir en Puerto Rico. Este startup puertorriqueño se ha enfocado en resaltar la belleza y el arte que tiene Puerto Rico a través de sus camisas y gorras hechas por jóvenes puertorriqueños. Acompáñanos para…

Relevo por la Vida

Saludos La iniciativa social Relevo Por La Vida de la Sociedad Americana Contra El Cáncer se llevará acabo el  sábado 23 de y domingo 24 abril. Esta actividad se celebra todos los años y AEGIQ esta comprometida con la misma.    Mediante la caminata alrededor de una pista del colegio de hasta 24 horas, los…

Admisiones graduadas UPRM: Último recordatorio

Admisiones graduadas UPRM: Último recordatorio Inicia estudios graduados en UPRM en agosto, 2016 Tienes más de 40 programas para escoger (http://grad.uprm.edu/oeg/InformacionSolicitantes/) y todavía estás a tiempo para solicitar. *Fecha límite para radicar la solicitud de admisión en línea: 15 de marzo de 2016 *Fecha límite para que la Oficina de Estudios Graduados reciba los documentos…

Invitation: 2nd Award of Small Research Grants Program

The Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (PRSTRT) is pleased to announce the second group of awardees of The Small Research Grants Program. The program aims to enhance the competitiveness of proposals for external funding. Agenda: 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Registration 10:30 AM – 12:00 AM: Morning Reception, Press Conference and Awards 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch We want…