Departamento de Ciencias Sociales

Publicaciones relevantes 2017-2023

  • Aguiar, A., B. Carby, E. Castellanos Abella, O. Darío Cardona, T. López-Marrero, V. Marchezini, L. Meyreyes, D. Olivato, R. Trajber & B. Wisner. 2020. Success, Innovation and Challenge: School Safety and Disaster Education in South America and the Caribbean. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 44, 101395. DOI:
  • Castro Rivera, A. & T. López Marrero. 2019. Allá viene el temporal: Major hurricanes in Puerto Rico between 1851 and 2019. Caribbean Geography 24: 24-39.
  • Cancel Sepúlveda, Mario.  “El sueño del Realismo: reflexiones en torno a la novela en Puerto Rico desde Manuel Zeno Gandía hasta Pedro Juan Soto” en La Página: La fascinación insular (Islas Canarias) Especial 88 (2011): 143-166.
  • Cancel Sepúlveda, Mario.  “El pensamiento político de Juan Antonio Corretjer Montes (1908-1985): una introducción” en Prisma 17 (2010-2011): 97-108.
  • Cancel Sepúlveda, Mario.  “Trinitarias: una lectura” en Escritores en Primera Plana 2.2 (2011): 54-55.
  • Cancel Sepúlveda, Mario.  “La epidemia reinante: Notas al margen de un libro de Mayra Rosario Urrutia [The Reigning Epidemic: Notes on the Margins of a Book by Mayra Rosario Urrutia]” en Caribbean Conjunctures. The Caribbean Studies Association Journal. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 & 2, 2022: 261-268.
  • Fonseca, Melody. 2019. “Global IR and Western dominance: Moving forward or Eurocentric entrapment?”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies 48(1):45-59. DOI:
  • Fonseca, Melody. 2019. “Beyond ‘colonial entrapment’: The challenges of Puerto Rican ‘national consciousness’ in times of PROMESA”, Interventions. International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 21(5):747-765.  DOI:
  • Fonseca, Melody. 2018. “Críticas a la colonialidad del poder: revisitando la crisis política haitiana de 1991-1994”, Foro Internacional 58(1):49-88. DOI:
  • Heartsill Scalley T. & T. López-Marrero.  2014. Land-cover composition, water resources and land management in the watersheds of the Luquillo Mountains, northeastern Puerto Rico. Caribbean Geography 19: 43-68.
  • Heartsill Scalley T. & T. López-Marrero. 2021. Beyond Tropical Storms: Understanding Disturbance and Forest Dynamics. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change 4:698733. DOI: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.698733
  • López-Marrero, T. & T. Heartsill Scalley.  2021. ¿Cómo, por quién y para qué? Investigación y labor creativa en el estudio de desastres en Puerto Rico. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres REDER 5(2): 107-124.
  • López Marrero, T., T. Heartsill Scalley, C.F. Rivera López, I.A. Escalera García & M. Echevarría Ramos. 2019. Broadening our understanding of hurricanes and forests in the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico: Where and what should we study now? Forests 10:  710. DOI:
  • Valdés Pizzini, Manuel. 2021. La imperiosa necesidad del bacalao: Puerto Rico y Terranova en la Ecología-Mundo. Relaciones Internacionales, (47), 163–179.
  • Valdés Pizzini, Manuel. 2021. Anthropological musings: history, memory, and the smell of codfish. Academia Letters, Article 311.
  • López-Marrero, T. & A. Castro Rivera. 2019. Let’s not forget about the non-land-falling cyclones: tendencies and impacts in Puerto Rico. Natural Hazards 98(2): 809-815. DOI:
  • Valdés Pizzini, Manuel. 2019. Review of Saamaka Dreaming, by Richard Price and Sally Price. Caribbean Studies, vol. 47 no. 1, 2019, p. 161-165. Project MUSEdoi:10.1353/crb.2019.0010.
  • Schärer-Umpierre, M.T., D. Mateos-Molina, R. Appeldoorn, I. Bejarano , E.A. Hernández-Delgado, R.S. Nemethk , M. Nemeth, M. Valdés-Pizzini , T.B. Smith. 2014. Marine Managed Areas and Associated Fisheries in the US Caribbean. Advances in Marine Biology 69: 129-152.
  • Valdés Pizzini, M. 2020. Making Sense out of Coastal Peoples and Fishers’ Responses to Extreme Natural Events in the Caribbean. Coastal Management, 48(5): 349-353.
  • Valdés Pizzini, Manuel. 2014. Carlos García Quijano and Manuel Valdés. Ecosystem-based knowledge and reasoning in tropical, multispecies, small-scale fishers’ LEK: What can fishers LEK contribute to coastal ecological science and management? In Fishers’ knowledge and the ecosystem approach to fisheries: Applications, experiences and lessons in Latin America, J Fischer, J. Jorgensen. H. Josupeit, D. Kalikoski and C. Lucas, editors. Rome: Food and Agriculture of the United Nations.