RUM sede del encuentro de emprendedores Elicit-Innovation 2 2016, Blog, PressBy sergio.lopez3September 2, 2016For more information click here.
Cumbre en Mayagüez para estudiantes, profesores y emprendedores 2016, Blog, PressBy sergio.lopez3September 2, 2016For more information click here.
De la idea a la solución 2016, Blog, PressBy sergio.lopez3August 29, 2016For more information click here.
The Five Biggest Challenges Faced by Student Entrepreneurs, and a Few Tips on Overcoming Them 2016, Blog, PressBy sergio.lopez3August 17, 2016For more information click here.
RUM desarrolla estudiantes emprendedores 2016, Blog, PressBy sergio.lopez3July 7, 2016For more information click here.
Mim Bordados E Impresos 2016, UPRM EntrepeneursBy sergio.lopez3June 25, 2016For more information click here