COOP Program Logo

Apply Now

Once you receive an offer from a former employer or participating organization you can start your COOP application process by following the next steps:

Step 1: You must fill out and sign the following application:  General Rules and Commitment

Note: This application has to be completed for each COOP experience.

Step 2: Once you receive your Job Offer you must register the COOP course for the corresponding term using the following forms:

1st Semester 2021 (August) Enrollment form

You must include a copy of the Job Offer and the signed General Rules and Commitment in the form.

Step 3: The student enrolling in the COOP course must agree to make an appointment with his / her academic advisor to make an evaluation of his / her curriculum. This way you can ensure that you complete your graduation requirements and how the COOP courses (free elective or career / technical elective) will be used in your program of study. Failure to comply with this assessment may affect your academic progress or graduation requirements.

Academic Advisor:

Departamento ConsejeraOficina E-mail Extensión
Mechanical EngineeringYolanda Perez L-235Cyolanda.perez4@upr.edu2362, 2560
Electrical and Computer EngineeringVeronica Vazquez
Lani Montalvo
Maritza Figueroa maritza.figueroa1@upr.edu3182, 3086, 3182
Industrial EngineeringGriselys RosadoII-224griselys.rosado@upr.edu3576
Chemical Engineering Lourdes FabregasIQ-205Flourdes.fabregas@upr.edu2587
Civil Engineering and Surveying & TopographySharon Bado CI-102Bsharon.bado@upr.edu3434
Engineering Sciences and MaterialsS-2103336, 5808
Computer Sciences & EngineeringCelinés Alfaro S-220celines.alfaro@upr.edu5997

Regulations and Grade System

The COOP Student will register for at least a semester and/or a summer in the COOP Practice course each time they attend a working period. Students will obtain the corresponding credits after finalizing their term. These credits hours can be used as a technical or free elective in their curriculum.

Upon registration in any working period, COOP students are considered regular students at the University with all rights, privileges and obligations this status entails, including financial assistance if the student qualifies. (See certification 94-94-69). When the students end their COOP term and return to the university they will have a registration priority for the next two semesters.