Something about Janus particles

The word Janus has its origin in the Roman god Janus. In Roman mythology this was the god of the gates, doors, doorways, beginning and endings; who is depicted with a double-faced head, each looking in opposite directions. Thus, in nature and materials science, asymmetric particles with two incompatible sides are called Janus particles. The…


Common Mistakes in Research Papers

Some people have several errors before submit a paper, especially, if is not their native language. This list contains some common errors to take into consideration. Verb tense: As a rule, use past tense to describe events that have happened. Such as, procedures and results that you have obtained. Reference to results should be in…


Two-faced Janus Particles

A Janus particle is composed of two fused parts, two-faced, like the Roman god Janus of doorways who is usually depicted with his faces looking in opposite directions. These asymmetric particles have two distinctly different sides, i.e. each face made from a different surface chemistry, or substance, than the other one. This kind of particles…


LIBROS y Libros

Para el avance en el conocimiento personal, hay diferentes procesos por los cuales uno tiene que pasar, uno de los cuales es el estudio. En varios casos, estos temas están grandemente establecidos, y en muchos casos no. Sin embargo, para los temas “establecidos” de la ciencia hay mucha bibliografía para las diferentes áreas, es posible…


Effect of Feed Frame Design and Operating Parameters On Powder Residence Time Distribution (RTD)

Powder compression in rotary tablet presses is used as a major step in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, catalysts, personal care products, military ordnance, etc. In powder compaction applications, consistent flow of powders into the small die of a tablet press is key to producing tablets with consistent properties. Manufacturers often use mechanical devices, called…


Beneficios del ejercicio

La actividad física controlada y planificada (deporte), nos reporta muchos y grandes beneficios. Pero para obtenerlos tenemos que ser constantes en su práctica. Lo mínimo recomendado Un mínimo de tres horas semanales. Un mínimo de cuarenta minutos por sesión. Alrededor del 95% de ejercicio aeróbico ligero y medio. Alrededor del 5% de ejercicios de intensidad…


X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Technique

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is an analytical technique that studies the surface of structures, based upon the photoelectric effect. Each atom in the surface has core electron with the characteristic binding energy that is theoretically equal to the ionization energy of that electron. When an X-ray beam directs to the sample surface, the energy of…


Difracción de rayos-X con incidencia rasante (GIXRD) una herramienta útil para la caracterización de pelí­culas delgadas.

Los rayos X se han utilizado durante décadas para estudiar la estructura de los materiales cristalinos. Sin embargo, en las técnicas de los últimos años se han ideado que, en combinación con la disponibilidad de intensos haces colimados de fuentes de radiación, han transformado los rayos X en una versátil y potente herramienta para el…



Effect of Sequence and Structural Properties on 14-Helical ?-Peptide Activity against  Candida albicans Planktonic Cells and Biofilms Abstract ?-Peptides (? -amino acid oligomers) that mimic the amphiphilic, helical, and cationic properties of natural antimicrobial peptides have previously been shown to display antifungal activity against planktonic Candida albicans cells. ?-Peptides offer several advantages over conventional peptides…
